AcknowledgementsAbstract in EnglishAbstract in ChineseChapter 1: Introduction1.1 What is cloze?1.1.1. The definition of cloze1.1.2. The psychological process of cloze comprehension1.1.3. Scores method of cloze1.1.4. Advantages and disadvantages of cloze1.2 The significance of cloze comprehension1.2.1. The importance of cloze comprehension1.2.2. The hard-working of cloze1.2.3. Can cloze technique be taught?Chapter 2: Defining cloze-taking strategy2.1 The development of strategies and processes in test taking2.1.1. A process approach to test taking2.1.2. What is meant by test-taking strategies?2.1.3. The use of verbal report in identifying test-taking strategies2.2. The development of cloze taking strategy2.2.1. The previous studies on cloze taking strategy2.2.2. The purpose of study2.3. The problems existing in current cloze comprehension teaching and learningChapter 3: The experiment3.1 The subjects for the study3.1.1 Survey subjects3.1.2 Interview subjects3.2 Instruments3.2.1 Questionnaire3.2.2 Constructed interview3.3 Brief introduction of the experimental strategies3.4 The arrangement of the experimental teaching3.5 The experimental data collectionChapter 4. Data analysis4.1. The approaches adopted to analyze the datum4.2. The effective of these approachesChapter 5 Result and discussion5.1 Research question 1: The students' positive attitudes of cloze comprehension strategy training activity in junior English classroom5.2. Research question 2: The difficulties that students perceived in cloze test strategy training5.3. The influence of the strategy training on the students' ability to take cloze tests5.3.1. The improvement of the overall proficiency of cloze test-taking5.3.2. The good influence on the students' ability to take different kinds of cloze comprehension items5.3.3. The great influence on students' cloze comprehension reading fluency5.4. The positive influence of the strategy training on the students' overall English proficiencyChapter 6 ConclusionAppendicesReferences
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标签:中学完形填空论文; 完形填空策略论文; 策略培训论文;