中文摘要英文摘要中文文摘英文文摘Chapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the research1.1.1 The necessity and importance of oral English1.1.2 The situation of oral English teaching in China1.1.3 The emergence of the Communicative Approach1.2 General description of the research problem1.3 The structure of the thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Historical Review of CA2.1.1 Background of CA and communicative competence2.1.2 Definition of CA2.1.3 Characteristics of CA2.1.4 Objectives of CA2.1.5 Principles of CA2.1.6 Strong and weak versions of CA2.2 The importance and characteristics of speaking2.2.1 The importance of speaking2.2.2 Characteristics of speaking2.3 Aspects of speaking ability2.4 Speaking Proficiency Guidelines2.5 Speaking activities2.5.1.Oral drill2.5.2.Information-gap activities2.5.3.Problem solving2.5.4.Discussion2.5.5.Simulation2.5.6.Role Play2.6 The influence of CA on spoken English teachingChapter Three The Application of Communicative Approach to Spoken English Teaching in Vocational Schools3.1 The current situation of English speaking in vocational schools3.2 The proper solutions to the existing problems3.2.1 Teacher's roles3.2.2 Student's roles3.2.3 The role of student groupings3.2.4 The role of instructional materials3.2.5 Classroom management3.3 The application of Communicative Approach to spoken English teaching in vocational schools3.3.1 Procedure of communicative teaching approach3.3.2 Successful oral communication3.3.3 Essential methods for improving students' speaking ability3.3.4 Requirements for an English teacherChapter Four Experimental Research4.1 Purpose of the experiment4.2 Subjects4.3 Instruments of the experiment4.4 Experimental process and data analysis4.4.1 Pre-test4.4.2 Teaching processes4.4.3 Post-testChapter Five ConclusionsReferencesAppendixesAcknowledgements
标签:交际法论文; 英语口语教学论文; 职业中专论文;