AcknowledgementsAbstract in EnglishAbstract in Chinese1. Introduction2. Literature Review of Category Research2.1 The Classical Approach to Category2.2 The Cognitive Approach to Category2.2.1 Challenge from the Philosophical Field: Wittegenstein’s Family Resemblance2.2.2 Challenge from the Psychological and Linguistic Field2.2.2.1 Berlin & Kay’s Discovery2.2.2.2 Rosch’s Pioneering Work on Prototype Theory3. Application of Category Theory to Vocabulary Memorization3.1 Category and Its Hierarchical System3.1.1 Category and Categorization3.1.2 Levels of Categorization3.1.3 Basic Level Category and Basic-Level-Category Vocabulary3.1.3.1 Basic Level Category3.1.3.2 Memorization of Basic-Level-Category Vocabulary3.2 Activation of the Vocabulary3.2.1 Spread of Activation3.2.2 Longitudinal Activation3.2.3 Transversal Activation3.2.4 Radiant Activation3.2.4.1 Association with the Attributes of Category3.2.4.2 Affixes3.3 Memorization of Polysemy3.4 Categorization and Memory3.4.1 Three Processes of Memory3.4.2 Affection of Categorization on Memory3.4.2.1 Affection of Categorization on Encoding3.4.2.2 Affection of Categorization on Retrieval4. An Investigation into the Application of Category Theory to Vocabulary Memorization4.1 Objective4.2 Method4.2.1 Phase 1: A Questionnaire about Vocabulary Memorization4.2.1.1 Subjects4.2.1.2 Findings and Analysis4. Expectation of Vocabulary Acquisition4. Problems of Vocabulary Memorization4. Causes of the Problems4.2.2 Phase 2: Three Retention Experiments4.2.2.1 Subjects4.2.2.2 Pretest4.2.2.3 A Technique Used during the Memorization of Vocabulary4.2.2.4 Experiment 1 --- Memorizing the Vocabulary in a Random Order4.2.2.5 Experiment 2 --- Memorizing the Vocabulary Categorized According to the Hierarchical System4.2.2.6 Experiment 3 --- Memorizing the Vocabulary According to the Students Own Ability of Categorization4.2.2.7 Interviews4.3 Results and Discussion4.3.1 Contrastive Analysis of the Data and Interviews4.3.2 Feasibility of This Vocabulary Acquisition Strategy4.3.3 Implications for Vocabulary Teaching5. ConclusionAppendix OneAppendix TwoAppendix ThreeBibliography
标签:范畴论文; 范畴化论文; 词汇记忆论文; 词汇学习策略论文;