作者(2019)在《Mechano-Sensing by Endothelial Primary Cilium》一文中研究指出:Introduction Primary cilium is a non-motile microstructure,protruding from cell surface of most mammalian cells.It was previously thought to be vestigial.However,recent studies indicate that it may serve as one of the most vital mechanosensors for many types of cells such as epithelial and endothelial cells and osteocytes.Protruding from the apical membrane,the primary cilium can directly sense subtle variation of mechanical forces exerted on the cell and then transduce the mechanical cues into biochemical signals into the cell,although the mechanism remain elusive.Vascular endothelial cells(ECs)lining the inner wall of our blood vessels are continuously exposed to the blood flow.In order to maintain proper functions for the cardiovascular system,ECs should have a variety of mechano-sensors and transducers to sense the blood flow change and adjust the vessel size and transport across the vessel wall accordingly.Among more than a dozen recognized EC mechano-sensors,the primary cilium has drawn more and more attention recently.Primary cilium on endothelial cells is essential for the homeostasis of vessels.It is reported to be prevalent in areas of disturbed flow where atherosclerosis and intracranial aneurysm usually occur.Deficiencies of primary cilia may promote atherosclerosis,endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition(EndoMT)and loss of direction orientation,to name a few.Therefore understanding why the primary cilia are necessary to maintain the homeostasis of blood vessels and how will help us develop better treatment strategies for the common cardiovascular diseases.Dimension and structure of primary cilium Primary cilium is reported to be shorter than 8 in length and about 0.2 in diameter.The length of primary cilium varies in different cell types and under different conditions.The major structural components of the primary cilium include basal body,ciliary axoneme(consisting of nine doublet microtubules),ciliary membrane,transition zone,basal feet,and striated rootlets.Each part of the primary cilium is essential and has specific function.Current methods investigating the EC primary cilium as a mechano-sensor:Immunostaining and imaging techniques have been used to investigate the molecular mechanisms by which EC primary cilium serves as a mechano-sensor and transducer.It has been found that various proteins locate on the primary cilium,working together to maintain the function of primary cilium.Some proteins function as ion-channels,mediating Ca2+entry into the primary cilium.Some are involved in the cascade signal pathway.Others are related to the assembly and maintenance of primary cilium.Briefly,the flow induces the deflection of the EC primary cilium,which triggers calcium increase via opening of the PC2 cation channel that is responsible for calcium ion influx.This PC2 cation channel is localized to the primary cilium and is assumed to be stretch-activated.The resulting change in the intracellular calcium concentration then regulates numerous molecular activities inside the cell that contribute to vessel homeostasis.In addition to triggering calcium release,another mechanism has also been found in blood-pressure maintenance in the vasculature,where the vessel diameter is regulated by endothelial primary cilia through adjusting nitric oxide production.So far,little is known about the mechanical mechanism behind this deflection-triggered o-pening of signaling pathways.For example,what is the flow induced bending behavior and force distribution? What is the threshold value of stretch/defection for activating a corresponding signaling pathway? These all remain to be answered.In combination of image data and experiments,several computational models have been established to answer these questions.However,the current models are not able to include the complex structure of primary cilium and the model predictions are limited.Future studies With the development of super high resolution optical microscopy,more detailed images for the structural(molecular)components of EC primary cilia will be revealed,especially when the ECs are alive and the forces are known.Combining these experimental observations with more sophisticated mathematical models will elucidate the mechano-sensing mechanism of EC primary cilia,as the force and stress distribution on cilium along with other mechanical properties are still beyond the capability of experimental approaches due to the scales of the quantities involved.By using numerical approaches,much more detailed dynamic information can be obtained.
Introduction Primary cilium is a non-motile microstructure,protruding from cell surface of most mammalian cells.It was previously thought to be vestigial.However,recent studies indicate that it may serve as one of the most vital mechanosensors for many types of cells such as epithelial and endothelial cells and osteocytes.Protruding from the apical membrane,the primary cilium can directly sense subtle variation of mechanical forces exerted on the cell and then transduce the mechanical cues into biochemical signals into the cell,although the mechanism remain elusive.Vascular endothelial cells(ECs)lining the inner wall of our blood vessels are continuously exposed to the blood flow.In order to maintain proper functions for the cardiovascular system,ECs should have a variety of mechano-sensors and transducers to sense the blood flow change and adjust the vessel size and transport across the vessel wall accordingly.Among more than a dozen recognized EC mechano-sensors,the primary cilium has drawn more and more attention recently.Primary cilium on endothelial cells is essential for the homeostasis of vessels.It is reported to be prevalent in areas of disturbed flow where atherosclerosis and intracranial aneurysm usually occur.Deficiencies of primary cilia may promote atherosclerosis,endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition(EndoMT)and loss of direction orientation,to name a few.Therefore understanding why the primary cilia are necessary to maintain the homeostasis of blood vessels and how will help us develop better treatment strategies for the common cardiovascular diseases.Dimension and structure of primary cilium Primary cilium is reported to be shorter than 8 in length and about 0.2 in diameter.The length of primary cilium varies in different cell types and under different conditions.The major structural components of the primary cilium include basal body,ciliary axoneme(consisting of nine doublet microtubules),ciliary membrane,transition zone,basal feet,and striated rootlets.Each part of the primary cilium is essential and has specific function.Current methods investigating the EC primary cilium as a mechano-sensor:Immunostaining and imaging techniques have been used to investigate the molecular mechanisms by which EC primary cilium serves as a mechano-sensor and transducer.It has been found that various proteins locate on the primary cilium,working together to maintain the function of primary cilium.Some proteins function as ion-channels,mediating Ca2+entry into the primary cilium.Some are involved in the cascade signal pathway.Others are related to the assembly and maintenance of primary cilium.Briefly,the flow induces the deflection of the EC primary cilium,which triggers calcium increase via opening of the PC2 cation channel that is responsible for calcium ion influx.This PC2 cation channel is localized to the primary cilium and is assumed to be stretch-activated.The resulting change in the intracellular calcium concentration then regulates numerous molecular activities inside the cell that contribute to vessel homeostasis.In addition to triggering calcium release,another mechanism has also been found in blood-pressure maintenance in the vasculature,where the vessel diameter is regulated by endothelial primary cilia through adjusting nitric oxide production.So far,little is known about the mechanical mechanism behind this deflection-triggered o-pening of signaling pathways.For example,what is the flow induced bending behavior and force distribution? What is the threshold value of stretch/defection for activating a corresponding signaling pathway? These all remain to be answered.In combination of image data and experiments,several computational models have been established to answer these questions.However,the current models are not able to include the complex structure of primary cilium and the model predictions are limited.Future studies With the development of super high resolution optical microscopy,more detailed images for the structural(molecular)components of EC primary cilia will be revealed,especially when the ECs are alive and the forces are known.Combining these experimental observations with more sophisticated mathematical models will elucidate the mechano-sensing mechanism of EC primary cilia,as the force and stress distribution on cilium along with other mechanical properties are still beyond the capability of experimental approaches due to the scales of the quantities involved.By using numerical approaches,much more detailed dynamic information can be obtained.