摘要AbstractAcknowledgementsIntroductionMotivation of the ResearchPrevious Studies on Hu Shi’s Poetry TranslationMethodologyStructure of the ThesisChapter One Theoretical Framework1.1 Poetics in Literary Theory1.1.1 Poetics in the West1.1.2 Poetics in China1.2 Poetics in Translation Theory1.2.1 The Background for Its Appearance1.2.2 Poetics Theory of Former Czechoslovakian Scholars1.2.3 The Manipulation of Poetics in Rewriting Theory1.3 Further Thoughts on Poetics in Translation TheoryChapter Two Conforming to the Poetics of the Target Language: Hu Shi's Poetry Translation during the First Period (1908-1915)2.1 Encouraging War and Revolution2.2 Employing Classical Chinese and Traditional Poetic Form2.3 Avoiding Monologue and Direct Speech2.4 Using Comma and PeriodChapter Three Promoting the Poetics’Construction of the Target Language: Hu Shi's Poetry Translation during the Second Period (1918-1943)3.1 The Style of Hu Shi’s Second-Period Poetry Translation3.1.1 Highlighting Human Nature3.1.2 Employing Vernacular Chinese and Free Poetic Form3.1.3 Restoring Monologue and Direct Speech3.1.4 Applying Various Punctuation Marks3.2 Exploration of the Cause of the Style Evolution of the Poetry Translation3.2.1 Evolution of Chinese Poetics3.2.1.1 Conception of Literature3.2.1.2 Creation of Literature3.2.2 Evolution of the Style of Hu Shi’s Poetry Translation3.2.2.1 The First Period3.2.2.2 The Second PeriodConclusionWorks Cited
标签:胡适论文; 诗歌翻译论文; 风格论文; 转型论文; 诗学论文;