Abstract摘要Chapter One IntroductionChapter Two Brief Review of Learning Strategy Studies2.1 Brief History of Learning Strategy Studies2.1.1 Studies on language learning strategies in the late 1960s and early 1970s2.1.2 Studies on language learning strategies in the 1980s2.1.3 Studies on language learning strategies in the 1990s2.1.4 Studies on language learning strategies in china in the 1980s and 1990s2.1.5 Studies on language learning strategies since the turn of this century2.2 Definition of Learning Strategies2.3 Classification of Learning Strategies2.3.1 O'Malley's classification2.3.2 Oxford's classification2.3.3 Wen Qiufang's classification2.4 Significance of the Study of Learning StrategiesChapter Three Factors Influencing Learning Strategies Establishment3.1 The Learner Factors3.1.1 Age3.1.2 Personality3.1.3 Aptitude3.1.4 Motivation3.2 Situational Factors3.3 Social FactorsChapter Four A Case Study of Learning Strategies Employed by Chinese EFL Learners4.1 Research Design4.1.1 Objective4.1.2 Subject4.1.3 Instrument4.1.4 Procedure and data collection4.2 Results4.3 DiscussionChapter Five The Training of Learning Strategies in Intensive Reading of ELT5.1 Goals of Strategy Training for Foreign Language and Ways of Cultivating Learning Strategies5.1.1 Goals of strategy training5.1.2 Ways of cultivating learning strategy5.2 Approaches to Providing Strategy Training5.2.1 General study-skills courses5.2.2 Awareness training: lectures and discussion5.2.3 Awareness training: strategy workshops5.2.4 Peer tutoring5.2.5 Strategy inserted into language textbooks5.2.6 Videotaped mini-courses5.2.7 Strategy-based instruction5.3 Steps of Strategy Training in Intensive Reading of ELT5.3.1 Determining the learners' needs and the resources available for training in Intensive Reading of ELT5.3.2 Making goals of strategy training clear in ELT5.3.3 Cultivating learners' strategy awareness in ELT5.3.4 Identifying learners' current learning strategies in Intensive Reading of ELT5.3.5 Presenting learning strategy in Intensive Reading of ELT5.3.6 Practicing learning strategy in Intensive Reading of ELT5.4 The Role of Teachers in Strategies-based Instruction5.4.1 Teachers as diagnosticians5.4.2 Teachers as trainers5.4.3 Teachers as coaches5.4.4 Teachers as coordinators5.4.5 Teachers as language learners5.4.6 Teachers as researchersChapter Six Pedagogical Implications6.1 Problems of Current Foreign Language Teaching6.2 The Necessity of ELT Innovation in China6.3 Advice for Classroom TeachersChapter Seven ConclusionBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements
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标签:学习策略论文; 策略训练论文; 大学英语精读教学论文;