

论文题目: 在普遍语法框架内阐释省略结构的二语习得

论文类型: 硕士论文

论文专业: 外国语言学及应用语言学

作者: 田樱花

导师: 花东帆

关键词: 二语习得,普遍语法,省略结构

文献来源: 上海外国语大学

发表年度: 2005

论文摘要: 语言习得者对省略句中代词的理解是不可以随心所欲的,而是要受到一些条件的限制。本文从中国英语学习者对英语省略句中代词的理解这一角度出发,探讨了普遍语法在二语习得中的可及性问题。关于普遍语法在二语习得中的作用,本文赞同的假设是:普遍语法仍然起作用,但只起部分作用。基于对英语和汉语省略句句法和语义特性的分析,本文从四个方面来测试了中国英语学习者对英语省略句中代词的理解。这四个方面分别为:对英语并列限制条件(the parallelism constraint)的习得;对英语中词头缺失省略结构(H~ elliptical constructions)的习得;在C-统制条件(C-command constraint)得以满足的前提下,对词头缺失省略结构的习得;以及汉语中显性代词限制条件(the Overt Pronoun Constraint)对英语省略句中显性代词的习得产生的影响。被试分为两组,一组为英语初学者,一组为中低程度英语学习者。测试采用真值判断法(the truth value judgment task)来进行。测试数据表明,母语迁移未对二语习得者在习得英语并列限制条件上产生影响;尽管汉语中没有传统意义上的(canonical)词头缺失省略结构,但二语习得者(至少是初学者)对英语中的这一结构是敏感的;在C-统制条件得以满足的前提下,初学者对词头缺失这一省略结构也是敏感的;母语中显性代词限制条件对二语习得者习得英语省略句中显性代词产生了影响。综合这些数据,从而进一步表明:普遍语法在二语习得中仍起作用,但不是唯一起作用的因素。其它因素,如母语迁移,语用知识的发展以及语言习得过程中的回归现象等都在某种程度上影响了二语习得。





Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 An Overview of Language Acquisition and Universal Grammar

1.2 The Study of Constraints and First Language Acquisition

1.3 The Studies of UG and Second Language Acquisition

Chapter 2. Syntactic and Semantic Properties of English Elliptical Constructions

2.1 Some Phenomena of Elliptical Constructions in Natural Language

2.2 H~ and H+ Elliptical Constructions in English

2.3 C-command Constraint in English H~ Elliptical Constructions

2.4 The Parallelism Constraint

Chapter 3. Investigation of Elliptical Constructions in SLA

3.1 Properties of Chinese Elliptical Constructions

3.1.1 Lack of H~ Ellipsis Structures

3.1.2 The Overt Pronoun Constraint (OPC)

3.1.3 Adhering to the Parallelism Constraint

3.2 Logic Problem of L2 Acquisition in English Elliptical Constructions

Chapter 4. Experiment

4.1 Experimental Methodology

4.2 Subjects

4.3 Test Design

4.3.1 A Test Design on L2 Learners’Knowledge of the Parallelism Constraint

4.3.2 A Test Design on L2 Learners’Sensitivities to H~ Elliptical Constructions

4.3.3 A Test Design on L2 Learners’Sensitivities to H~ Elliptical Constructions with C-command Constraint

4.3.4 A Test Design on the Influence of L1 Knowledge of OPCon L2 Acquisition

4.4 Procedure

Chapter 5. Results and Discussions

5.1 Experimental Results

5.1.1 Results of Tests of the Structural Parallelism and the Referential Parallelism

5.1.2 Results of Tests of the Sensitivities to English H~ Elliptical Constructions

5.1.3 Results of Tests of C-command Constraint in H~ Elliptical Constructions

5.1.4 Results of Tests of OPC on English Elliptical Constructions

5.2 Discussions of the Test Results

5.2.1 Discussions of the Tests Results of the Parallelism Constraint

5.2.2 Discussions of the Sensitivities to English H~ Elliptical Constructions

5.2.3 Discussions of the C-command Constraint in H~ Elliptical Constructions

5.2.4 Discussions of Test Results of OPC

5.3 General Discussions

5.4 Conclusion

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3


发布时间: 2006-12-30


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