Abstract摘要Chapter One IntroductionChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Bakhtin and His Thoughts2.2 Origin of Dialogism2.3 Foundation of Bakhtin's Dialogism2.4 The Mode of Dialogism:Double-Voicedness and Polyphony2.5 Micro-Dialogue and Great-DialogueChapter Three Dialogic Features in The Old Man and the Sea3.1 The Story of The Old Man and the Sea3.2 The Significance of The Old Man and the Sea3.3 TheMicro-Dialogic Features in The Old Man and the Sea3.3.1 The Micro-Dialogue about the Fish3.3.2 The Micro-Dialogue with His Hand3.3.3 The Micro-Dialogue about Sharks3.4 Great-Dialogues in The Old Man and the Sea3.4.1 Mankind and Nature3.4.2 The Old Man and the Big Fish3.4.3 The Old Man and the Sharks3.4.4 The Old Man and the Sea3.4.5 The Old Man and the Boy3.4.6 These Young Fishermen and the Old ManChapter Four Incomplete Narrative in The Old Man and the Sea4.1 Incomplete Narrative4.1.1 Incomplete Narrative in Deduction4.1.2 Incomplete Narrative in Serial Order4.2 Incomplete Narrative in The Old Man and the Sea4.2.1 Incomplete Narrative in the Background4.2.2 Incomplete Narrative of the Old Man's Emotion4.2.3 Incomplete Narrative of the Story4.3 Incomplete Narrative and Hemingway's Iceberg PrincipleChapter Five ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgement
标签:对话关系论文; 不完全叙述论文; 冰山原则论文; 语篇分析论文;