ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSLIST OF TABLESLIST OF FIGURESLIST OF PICTURESABBREVIATIONSPREFACEChapter One Introduction to the Meaning of museum, museum education and museum learning1.1 Meanings of museum and museum history1.1.1 Definitions of museum1.1.2 The history of Museums1.2 Meanings of museum education and museum learning1.2.1 Definitions of museum education and Education history in the world1.2.2 The museum has become an educational institute1.2.3 Museum learning1.2.4 Theories of learning in museumsChapter Two An introduction to the museum in China and Sri Lanka2.1 An introduction to the museums in China2.2 An introduction to the Liaoning provincial museum2.2.1 The categorization of museum collection2.3 An introduction to the museums in Sri Lanka2.4 An introduction to the Colombo national museum2.4.1 The category of museum collectionChapter three Sources of museum education and learning in Liaoning provincial museum and Colombo national museum3.1 Survey Methodology3.1.1 The Benefits of Museum education and learning3.1.2 Summary of the key points taken from the results of the questionnaire:3.1.3 The survey sought to answer questions such as3.2 Highlights of the Findings:Museum as Sources of education and learning in Liaoning provincial museum China and Colombo national museum Sri Lanka3.2.1 Questionnaire respondents:3.2.2 Finding 1:"Visitor's idea about museums" Questionnaire respondents:3.2.3 A range of reasons why people come to visit museums?3.2.4 Education event in the museum3.2.5 What kinds of curriculum areas are covered from museum?3.2.6 Best representation of visitor's feelings after the museum visit3.2.7 Which kinds of things Museum can use to increase the extent of learning?3.2.8 Visitors idea about museum education and learning:3.2.9 What kinds of education takes place in museums?3.2.10 Do visitors think museum activities can be useful to students in the class room?3.2.11 What kinds of learning strategies are good for the museum learning:3.2.12 How many times have they visited museums before?3.2.13 Findings:visitors'satisfaction after the visit to museum3.2.14 Findings:Do visitors think they would want to go to an exhibition another day?3.3 Summary of the findings:Chapter Four The implications of Museum education and learning in Liaoning provincial museum and Colombo national museum4.1 Implications4.1.1 Visitor's idea about the museum4.1.2 What kinds of things would encourage visitors to go to a museum more often?4.1.3 Do visitors believe they can learn something else in the museum?4.1.4 What kinds of education activities take place in a museum?4.1.5 Do visitors believe Museum is one of education institutes?4.1.6 What kinds of curriculum areas are covered from museums?4.1.7 Do visitors think Museum activities are useful to students in the classroom?4.1.8 Identifying visitor's satisfaction after visiting the museum?4.1.9 Which kinds of things Museum can use to increase the extent of learning?4.1.10 What kinds of learning strategies are good for museum learning?4.1.11 What kinds of education takes place in museums?4.1.12 Do visitors want to attend an exhibition in a musuem? How about their Impression after visiting the museum?4.2 Identification: Liaoning museum and Colombo museum as sources of education and learning4.2.1 Colombo Museum as a Source of Education and Learning4.2.2 Liaoning Museum as a Source of Education and Learning4.3 Identifying Categories of Museum Educational Work in both museums4.4 The key findings of the study:Chapter Five Interpretation5.1 The realize about museum education and learning through the Findings5.1.1 To whom can museum provide learning and educational services?5.1.2 Education events in the museum5.1.3 What kinds of education take place in museum?5.1.4 What kinds of learning strategies are good for the museum learning?5.1.5 Which kind of things Museum can use to increase the extent of learning?5.2 Key observations about museum education and learningConclusionBibliography参考文献QuestionnairesPictures中文摘要Abstract
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标签:博物馆教育论文; 博物馆学习论文; 博物馆教育和学习方法论文;
关于博物馆作为教育和学习园地的研究 ——以中国辽宁省博物馆和斯里兰卡科伦坡国家博物馆为例