Abstract in ChineseAbstract in EnglishContentsChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Definition of Related Terms2.1.1 Bilingualism2.1.2 Bilingual Education and Bilingual Teaching2.1.3 Bilingual Teaching and Foreign Language Teaching2.2 The Applicability of Fundamental Second Language Acquisition Theories in Bilingual Teaching in Chinese Universities2.2.1 Left- and Right-Brain Functioning2.2.2 Transfer2.2.3 The Input Hypothesis2.2.4 Swain's Output Hypothesis2.2.5 Motivation2.2.5.1 Instrumental and Integrative Motivation2.2.5.2 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation2.3 The Arguments about Bilingual Teaching from Researchers and Scholars2.3.1 The Supporters' Views2.3.2 The Opponents' ViewsChapter 3 Bilingual Teaching Models at Home and Abroad3.1 The Immersion Model3.2 The Transitional Model3.3 The Maintenance Model3.4 The Two-Way Bilingual Model3.5 The Progressive Model3.6 The Soakage ModelChapter 4 Investigation of Bilingual Teaching in Guangxi University4.1 Research Design4.1.1 Subjects4.1.2 Questionnaires4.1.3 Classroom Teaching Observation4.1.4 Interviews4.2 Data Analysis from Questionnaires4.2.1 Basic Conditions4.2.2 Attitudes towards Bilingual Teaching4.2.3 Evaluation of Bilingual Teaching4.3 Analysis of Observation4.3.1 The Teaching Materials4.3.2 The Instruction Language Used4.3.3 Performance in Class4.3.3.1 "Teacher-Centered" Teaching Approach4.3.3.2 The Lack of Interaction4.3.3.3 Indifferent Attitude of Students4.4 Analysis of Interviews4.4.1 Summary of Interviews with Teachers4.4.2 Summary of Interviews with Students4.5 Summary of the Findings of the ResearchChapter 5 The Prospects of Bilingual Teaching in Chinese Universities5.1 The Favorable Conditions5.2 The Setbacks and Arguments in the Implementation of Bilingual Teaching5.3 The Conditions for the Sustainable Development of Bilingual Teaching5.3.1 The Establishment of Clear Objectives5.3.2 The Scientific and Integrative Teaching System5.3.2.1 The Policy5.3.2.2 The Teaching Model5.3.2.3 The Teaching Materials5.3.2.4 The Teaching Assessment5.3.3 The Favorable Bilingual EnvironmentChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Conclusions of this Paper6.2 Limitations of this PaperBibliographyAppendix Ⅰ Closed QuestionnaireAppendix Ⅱ Open QuestionnairesAppendix Ⅲ Statistical Table 1Appendix Ⅳ Statistical Table 2AcknowledgementsPapers Published During the Study for M. A. Degree
标签:双语教学论文; 二语习得论文; 前景研究论文;
地方性大学英汉双语教学的现状及前景研究 ——以广西大学为例