Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter One IntroductionChapter Two Literature review of Thematic studies2.1 Theme and Rheme2.1.1 The definition of Theme and Rheme2.1.2 The classification of Theme2.1.2.1 Simple Theme2.1.2.2 Multiple Theme2.1.2.3 Clausal Theme2.1.3 Subject, Topic and Theme2.1.3.1 Subject and Theme2.1.3.2 Topic and Theme2.1.3.3 Topic and Subject2.2 Thematic Progression Patterns2.2.1 The definition of Thematic Progression2.2.2 Basic patterns of Thematic Progression2.2.2.1 Constant Theme2.2.2.2 Constant Rheme2.2.2.3 Simple Linear2.2.2.4 Alternative Pattern2.2.2.5 Comparative Pattern2.2.2.6 Derivative Pattern2.3 Development of Thematic Theory2.3.1 The Prague School2.3.2 Hallidayan Approach2.3.3 Thematic Theory in ChinaChapter Three Thematic Theory and it’s relevance to Second Language Reading3.1 Second Language Reading3.1.1 Definition of reading3.1.2 The importance of reading in second language learning3.1.3 Characteristics of efficient reading3.1.4 Key studies in Second Language Reading3.1.4.1 Bottom-up Approach3.1.4.2 Top-down Approach3.1.4.3 Interactive Approach3.1.4.4 Schema Theory3.2 Application of Thematic Theory to Second Language Reading teaching3.2.1 Limitations of approaches mentioned above3.2.2 Studies of applying Thematic Theory to Second Language Reading teaching3.3 SummaryChapter Four Research design4.1 Research questions4.2 Research methodology4.2.1 Objective of the study4.2.2 Participants of the study4.2.3 Research instruments4.2.3.1 Questionnaire4.2.3.2 Tests4.2.4 Process of the study4.2.4.1 A survey of college English reading4.2.4.2 Pre test4.2.4.3 Introduction of Thematic Progression to students4.2.4.4 Different reading procedures in different classes4.2.4.5 Post test4.3 Data collection and analysis4.3.1 Questionnaire4.3.2 TestChapter Five Results and discussion5.1 Questionnaire5.1.1 Less attention to reading practice5.1.2 Lower efficiency in reading class5.1.3 Improper ways of reading5.1.3.1 Inappropriate reading habits5.1.3.2 Lack of proper reading strategies and skills5.1.3.3 Lack of discourse knowledge5.1.3.4 Insufficient reading practice5.2 Post testChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Findings6.2 Conclusion6.3 LimitationsBibliographyAppendix I大学英语阅读教学现状调查问卷Appendix IIPre testPost testAppendix IIIExamples used in the introduction of the Thematic Theory
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