1.本文通过B型和Q型烟粉虱生物型间交互作用的研究,探讨了行为因子和遗传因子对该虫不同生物型成功杂交的影响。在有或无选择性条件下,通过连续的录像记录,比较研究了两生物型烟粉虱的求偶和交配行为,明确了雌虫的拒绝行为是导致两生物型生殖隔离和交配失败的重要前合子机制。主要结论如下: B和Q两不同生物型烟粉虱两种生物型间的求偶和交配行为无明显差异,但Q型烟粉虱交配前配对持续时间显著少于B型,并且显示更多的拒绝行为。在有选择性和无选择性条件下,同型和异型生物型间配对的时间和成功率没有显著差异。在1 Q♀1Q♂1 B♂和1B♀1 Q♂1 B♂选择性组合中,虽然Q型烟粉虱的雄虫配对积极性高于B型雄性烟粉虱,但在统计学上差异不显著。在只有一种生物型雄虫存在的情况下,尽管B和Q两生物型烟粉虱雄虫都可与异型烟粉虱雌虫正常配对,并且多次努力和尝试交配,但没有一对异型烟粉虱间的成功交配被观察到,其失败原因主要归因于异型雌虫表现出的强烈的敌对和拒绝行为,如雌虫直接离开配对的雄虫或采取足踢、振动双翅驱赶雄虫、用身体推开雄虫等。两种生物型求偶和交配行为的研究揭示:尽管B型和Q型烟粉虱生物型间有强烈的杂交障碍存在,但是不完全的。在B和Q两生物型雄性同时与雌虫配对时,B型雌虫可以与Q型烟粉虱雄虫成功交配,即发生生物型间的杂交,这将导致两种生物型间的选型交配现象并使两种生物型间的基因渐渗成为可能。昆虫触角切除试验表明,尽管触角接触在两生物型的求偶和交配行为中非常普遍,但没有影响到单一生物型的成功配对和交配,也不能作为阐释不同生物型间交配失败的原因。2.通过多品系B型和Q型烟粉虱互交试验,探讨了两种生物型杂交产生后代的可能性以及后代的存活能力和繁殖能力。试验表明,两生物型间的杂交可以发生但非常稀少,而且仅在单一方向即B型雌虫和Q型雄虫杂交中发生。这一现象与前述行为研究的结论一致,再次确认了两种生物型间存在着杂交障碍,但是不完全的。进一步的研究显示,两种生物型间杂交F1代在很大程度上是不可育的,绝大
Chinese abstractAbstractInterpretation of terms and symbolsChapter 1 General introduction1.1 History1.2 Biology1.3 Biotypes1.4 Insecticides for Bemisia tabaci control1.4.1 Conventional insecticides1.4.2 Novel insecticide chemistries1.5 Status of insecticide resistance on Bemisia tabaci and the management tactics1.6 Aims and ObjectivesChapter 2 Courtship and mating interactions between B and Q biotypes of Bemisia tabaci2.1. Aims2.2 Materials and methods2.3 Results2.3.1 The observation and comparison on courtship and mating behaviour between Bemisia tabaci B and Q single biotype2.3.2 Comparison of courtship behaviours between inter- and intra-biotype in no-choice testing2.3.3 Mating interactions between B and Q biotypes of Bemisia tabaci in choice testing2.3.4 Results from the experiments with insect’s antennae cut off2.4 DiscussionChapter 3 Post-zygotic breeding incompatibilities between B and Q biotypes of Bemisia tabaci3.1 Aims3.2 Materials and Methods3.3 Results1 progeny from single female crosses'>3.3.1 F1 progeny from single female crosses1 progeny produced from single female crosses'>3.3.2 Viability and reproductive success of F1 progeny produced from single female crosses1 and F2 hybrid esterase status from B♀×Q ♂crosses'>3.3.3 F1 and F2 hybrid esterase status from B♀×Q ♂crosses3.3.4 Mass crosses3.4 DiscussionChapter 4 The population dynamics of mixed Bemisia tabaci B and Q biotypes among different hosts under simulated field conditions in the laboratory4.1 Aims4.2 Materials and methods4.3 Results4.3.1 The population dynamics of mixed B and Q biotype on different hosts4.3.2 Infestation pattern of mixed B and Q biotype population on cotton, tomato and bean4.3.3 Biotype distribution among of different hosts4.3.4 Incidence of B/Q hybrids4.4 DiscussionChapter 5 The inheritance and frequency of insecticide resistance in offspring from reciprocal crosses between whiteflies susceptible and resistant to imidacloprid and pyriproxyfen5.1 Aims5.2 Materials and Methods5.3 Results5.3.1 Inheritance of resistance to imidacloprid5.3.2 Inheritance of resistance to pyriproxyfen5.4 DiscussionChapter 6 The biotype and insecticide-resistance status of whiteflies, Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), invading cropping systems in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Northwestern China6.1 Introduction6.2 Materials and methods6.3 Results6.3.1 Biotype determination6.3.2 Bioassay results6.4 DiscussionChapter 7 Conclusions and future works7.1 Conclusions7.2 Future worksReferencesAppendixAcknowledgements攻读学位期间论文科研情况
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标签:烟粉虱生物型论文; 型烟粉虱论文; 交互作用论文; 杀虫剂抗药性论文;