摘要AbstractIntroduction0.1 Research Backrgound0.2 Theoretical Basis of the Present Research0.3 Data Collection & Methodology0.4 Significance of the Present Research0.5 Layout of the ThesisChapter 1 Overview of Public Signs and Research on C-E Translation of Public Signs1.1 Overview of Public Signs1.1.1 Definition of Public Signs1.1.2 Functions of Public Signs1.1.3 Stylistic Features of Public Signs1.2 Overview of Researches on C-E Translation of Public Signs1.2.1 Previous Researches on C-E Translation of Public Signs1.2.2 Limitations of the Previous Research on C-E Translation of Public SignsChapter 2 Adaptation Theory and Its Implication to C-E Translation of Public Signs2.1 Using language as a Process of Making Choices and Its Implication to C-E Translation of Public Signs2.2 Three Properties of Language and Their Implication to C-E Translation of Public Signs2.3 Four Angles of Investigation on Language Use and Their Implication to C-E Translation of Public Signs2.3.1 Contextual Correlates of Adaptability and Its Implication to C-E Translation of Public Signs2.3.2 Structural Objects of Adaptability and Its Implication to C-E Translation of Public Signs2.3.3 Dynamics of Adaptability and Its Implication to C-E Translation of Public Signs2.3.4 Salience of the Adaptation Process and Its Implication to C-E Translation of Public Signs2.4 C-E Translation of Public Signs as a Process of AdaptationChapter 3 Adaptation in C-E Translation of Public Signs under the Guidance of Adaptation Theory3.1 Adaptation to the Linguistic Reality of the Target Text3.1.1 Adaptation at Lexical Level3.1.2 Adaptation at Syntactic Level3.1.3 Adaptation at Stylistic Level3.2 Adaptation to the Target Readers' Social World3.2.1 Adaptation to English Culture3.2.2 Adaptation to Social Settings3.2.3 Adaptation to General Norms of International Public Signs3.3 Adaptation to the Target Readers' Mental World3.3.1 Adaptation to the Target Readers' Thinking Pattern3.3.2 Adaptation to the Target Readers' Aesthetic Conception3.3.3 Adaptation to the Target Readers' Emotion3.3.4 Adaptation to the Target Readers' Expectation3.4 Adaptation to the Target Readers' Physical World3.4.1 Adaptation through Temporal Reference3.4.2 Adaptation through Spatial ReferenceConclusionWorks CitedAcknowledgementsInformative Chinese AbstractResume and Publications since Entering the Program
标签:公示语汉英翻译论文; 顺应论论文; 语言结构顺应论文; 语境顺应论文;