摘要Abstract1 Introduction1.1 Extent of Misunderstanding1.2 Significance of the Research1.3 Research Methodology1.4 Organization of the Thesis2 Misunderstanding and its Previous Researches2.1 Misunderstanding Revisited2.1.1 Definition of Verbal Misunderstanding2.1.2 Distinctions from Other Related Concepts2.2 Previous Researches on Misunderstanding2.2.1 Researches Abroad2.2.2 Researches at Home2.3 Achievements in Misunderstanding Research2.4 Insufficiencies of Misunderstanding Research3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Relevance Theory3.1.1 Cognitive Context and Mutual Manifestness3.1.2 Extension of Cognitive Context3.1.3 The Ostensive-Inferential Model3.2 Graded Salience Hypothesis3.2.1 Rachel Giora’s View on Graded Salience Hypothesis3.2.2 Graded Salience Hypothesis in Verbal Communication3.3 The Relevance-Salience Model of Verbal Communication3.3.1 Reflections on the Principle of Relevance3.3.2 Restriction from the Principle of Salience3.3.3 The Relevance-Salience Model4 Generative Mechanism of Misunderstanding4.1 A Relevance-Salience Concept of Verbal Misunderstanding4.2 The Generative Mechanism of Misunderstanding4.2.1 The Speaker’s Point of View4.2.2 The Hearer’s Point of View4.3 Analysis Based on Authentic Examples4.3.1 Misunderstanding of Proposition4.3.2 Misunderstanding of Reference4.3.3 Misunderstanding of Pragmatic Force4.3.4 Misunderstanding of Conversational Implicature5. Conclusion5.1 Major Findings of the Study5.2 Significance and Limitations of the StudyBibliographyAcademic Achievements and AwardsAcknowledgements
标签:言语误解论文; 生成机制论文; 关联理论论文; 层级意义突显假设论文;