中国文字是世界上现存的最古老的文字之一,它的演变过程极其复杂,在中国历史上先后就出现了七种不同的字体。这些字体经历了从简单到复杂、从复杂又到简单的变化过程。研究中国的文字,特别是如今的简体字和繁体字,有着重要的现实意义。 汉字字体包括两大体系:繁体体系和简体体系。繁体字是时代的象征之一,有着悠久的历史风格。但随着时代的变迁和人们生活速度的加快,代表着方便、简易的简体字更深入人心。早在甲骨文和金文中,汉字就有了简体,发展到小篆时期,很多字都已经简化。隶书是汉字史上最大的一次字体变革。可见,文字必然经过由繁入简的过程,这个过程是无法避免的。 国家近年来非常重视文字改革和文字规划工作,这对社会发展、科技进步和文化教育水平的提高都具有非常重要的意义。然而,目前语言的规范化和标准化遇到了极大的挑战,即繁体字有了大量回潮的趋势。本文从社会语言学的角度,运用了语言学的相关理论,包括顺应理论、言语共同体、社会变体、语言选择等理论,对中国文字繁简并存的现象做了细致地研究和分析,旨在提高社会规范使用文字的意识。在遵守文字自身发展规律的基础上,结合政府行为的外在强制力量和社会道德的内在规范作用,创造一个规范统一的语言文字环境。 因此,本文以顺应理论、语言选择、言语共同体的理论为基础,在系统地探讨中国文字语体的基础上,重点研究分析中国文字繁简并存的现象和本质问题,给出了相应的解决方案。本文的研究包括四大部分: 第一部分介绍了中国的语言文字及目前中国文字的使用状况。中国文字从甲骨文算起,至少有三千多年的历史。其间出现了七种字体,分别是甲骨文、金文、小篆、隶书、草书、楷书和行书。这些字体的演变规律是由繁到简的。当前,繁体字和简体字两大字体体系存在于中国不同的地区。 第二部分重点从社会文化因素、政治法律因素、经济发展因素和人的心理因素四个方面分析了影响文字语体变化发展的原因。语言文字具有社会性,它的产生与存在都与社会有着不容分割的关系,与政治、经济、法律等各方面都息息相关。 第三部分介绍了中国的文字改革和语言规划。介绍了文字改革的原因、目的、方向、任务和意义。运用社会语言学的相关理论分析了文字规范的必然性和必
Chapter I Introduction1.1 The relationship between language and characters1.1.1 The definition of language1.1.2 The definition of characters1.1.3 The relationship between language and characters1.2 From ancient times to the present, the development and change process of Chinese characters1.2.1 The seven different types of writing1.2.1.1 Inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells1.2.1.2 Inscriptions on ancient bronze objects1.2.1.3 The lesser seal characters1.2.1.4 Lishu1.2.1.5 Cursive script1.2.1.6 Regular script1.2.1.7 Running hand1.2.2 The inevitable rule of language development and change1.3 Nowadays, the state of using of the Chinese characters1.3.1 The system of the original complex forms of simplified Chinese characters (traditional Chinese characters) Hong Kong1.3.1.2 Taiwan1.3.1.3 Macao1.3.1.4 American Chinese area1.3.2 The system of simplified Chinese characters and its internalization1.3.2.1 China's mainland1.3.2.2 Malaysia1.3.2.3 Thailand1.3.2.4 Singapore1.3.3 Areas influenced by the system of the original complex forms of simplified Chinese characters (traditional Chinese characters) The language features of Shenzhen1.3.3.2 The language features of GuangzhouChapter II The environment of Chinese character (Language environment)2.1 Analysis of the social and cultural factors2.1.1 Language and society have very close relationship2.1.2 The relationship of Language and culture2.2 Analysis of politics improvement and law2.3 Analysis of economic factors2.4Analysis of individuals' inner mind and emotionChapter III: The reforms of writing system3.1 Discussion of genesis reform of Chinese characters3.1.1 Chinese characters went down the altar, which made reform of Chinese character possible3.1.2 Culture exchange and imperialism culture are invaded, playing overturns for the reform of Chinese characters3.1.3 Social and history change, political and culture movements made reform of Chinese characters become reality3.1.4 From the reform movement of Chinese characters centuries ago, the writer draws conclusion following3.2 The reasons, aim, direction, task and meaning of reform of writing system3.2.1 Reason3.2.2 Aim3.2.3 Direction3.2.4 Main task3.2.5 Meaning3.3 The standardization and construction of Chinese characters3.3.1 Nowadays, Chinese characters meet with the problems of language falling back3.3.1.1 Advertisement3.3.1.2 Trademark3.3.1.3 Movie, TV subtitle and Lyrics3.3.2 Diversity in language leads to diversity in Chinese characters3.3.3 Speech community & social variety in Chinese language and characters3.3.3.1 The concept of speech community3.3.3.2 The concept of social variety3.3.3.3 Conclusion3.3.4 In China's mainland, the original complex forms of simplified Chinese characters (traditional Chinese characters) still appear in every aspect of daily life3.3.4.1 On the one hand, it is the abuse of writing system and a kind of language polluting (Negative aspect) On the other hand, it is the positive result of linguistic accommodation and language choices (Positive aspect) Accommodation Theory3. Language choices3. We should choose correct or proper writing system to get the best communication result3.3.5 Inevitableness and necessity of the standardization of Chinese characters3.3.5.1 Inevitableness3.3.5.2 NecessityChapter IV: The development trend of Chinese characters and types of writing4.1 Language planning4.1.1The concept of language planning4.1.2 Making the principles of language planning4.2 The development and change of Chinese characters have their own orderliness4.2.1 The immutability of language4.2.2 The mutability of language4.2.3 Conclusion4.3 The effective methods of Chinese characters' standardization4.3.1 Strengthen the education of the masses4.3.2 Check as to Hong Kong, Taiwan import and movie & TV import of film of publication strictly, control effectively4.3.3 Improve the language training of Chinese language workers, including teachers, reporters, journalists and so on4.4 The prospect of Chinese characters4.4.1 The Chinese characters will move towards the informationization.4.4.2 Conclusion: Glamour and prospect of Chinese charactersBibliographyAcknowledgements
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标签:简体字论文; 繁体字论文; 文字规划论文; 言语共同体论文; 标准化论文;