郭金家:Study of pressure effects on ocean in-situ detection using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy论文

郭金家:Study of pressure effects on ocean in-situ detection using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy论文


作者郭金家,李楠,宋矫健,郑荣儿(2019)在《Study of pressure effects on ocean in-situ detection using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy》一文中研究指出:Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) has attracted extensive attention as a new technique for in-situ marine application. In this work, the influence of deep-sea high pressure environment on LIBS signals was investigated by using a compact LIBS-sea system developed by Ocean University of China for the in-situ chemical analysis of seawater. The results from the field measurements show that the liquid pressure has a significant effect on the LIBS signals. Higher peak intensity and larger line broadening were obtained as the pressure increases. By comparing the variations of the temperature and salinity with the LIBS signals, a weak correlation between them can be observed. Under high pressure conditions, the optimal laser energy was higher than that in air environment. When the laser energy exceeded 17 mJ, the effect of laser energy on the signal intensity weakened. The signal intensity decreases gradually at larger delays. The obtained results verified the feasibility of the LIBS technique for the deep-sea in-situ detection, and we hope this technology can contribute to surveying more deep-sea environments such as the hydrothermal vent regions.


Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) has attracted extensive attention as a new technique for in-situ marine application. In this work, the influence of deep-sea high pressure environment on LIBS signals was investigated by using a compact LIBS-sea system developed by Ocean University of China for the in-situ chemical analysis of seawater. The results from the field measurements show that the liquid pressure has a significant effect on the LIBS signals. Higher peak intensity and larger line broadening were obtained as the pressure increases. By comparing the variations of the temperature and salinity with the LIBS signals, a weak correlation between them can be observed. Under high pressure conditions, the optimal laser energy was higher than that in air environment. When the laser energy exceeded 17 mJ, the effect of laser energy on the signal intensity weakened. The signal intensity decreases gradually at larger delays. The obtained results verified the feasibility of the LIBS technique for the deep-sea in-situ detection, and we hope this technology can contribute to surveying more deep-sea environments such as the hydrothermal vent regions.


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  • 论文详细介绍

    论文作者分别是来自Plasma Science and Technology的郭金家,李楠,宋矫健,郑荣儿,发表于刊物Plasma Science and Technology2019年03期论文,是一篇关于,Plasma Science and Technology2019年03期论文的文章。本文可供学术参考使用,各位学者可以免费参考阅读下载,文章观点不代表本站观点,资料来自Plasma Science and Technology2019年03期论文网站,若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请联系我们删除。


    郭金家:Study of pressure effects on ocean in-situ detection using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy论文
