中文摘要ABSTRACTⅠ.Introduction1.1 Definitions of Learner Autonomy and Learner Attitudes1.2 The Role of Autonomous Learning in English Teaching1.3 The Need for Research on Autonomous English Learning AttitudesⅡ. Literature Review2.1 Chinese English Learning Context2.2 Contrasting Views of the Chinese Students2.3 The Present StudyⅢ. Methodology3.1 Data Collection3.2 The Student QuestionnaireⅣ. Results and Discussion4.1 Students’perceptions of their English teachers’responsibilities and theirown4.2 Students’perceptions of their decision-making abilities4.3 Students’views of their motivation level4.4 Learning activities outside and inside class4.5 Relation between attitudes and autonomous language learning behaviors4.6 Implications for the implementation of learner autonomy at senior high School levelⅤ. ConclusionBibliographyAppendix IAppendix IIAcknowledgements
标签:高中论文; 英语教学论文; 自主学习论文; 学习态度论文; 学习行为论文;