Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Language and Culture1.2 The Cultural Turn in Translation StudiesChapter Two Theoretical Framework2.1 Andre Lefevere’s View on Translation Activity2.1.1 Translation as Rewriting2.1.2 Translation as Manipulation2.2 Three Key Terms of the Manipulation Theory2.2.1 Ideology2.2.1.1 The Concept of Ideology2.2.1.2 Impact of Ideology on Translation2.2.2 Patronage2.2.3 Poetics2.3 The Relativity of the Ideological ManipulationChapter Three Introduction to The Analects of Confucius3.1 Confucius3.2 The Analects of Confucius and Its Linguistic Features3.2.1 The Analects of Confucius and Its Social and Historical Status3.2.2 Linguistic Features3.3 ConfucianismChapter Four Comparative Studies on Two Versions4.1 The Translation Activities of James Legge and Ku Hungming4.1.1 James Legge and His Translation4.1.2 Ku Hungming and His translation4.1.3 Different Features of the Two English Versions4.2 Comparative Studies at Linguistic Level4.2.1 Studies at Lexical Level4.2.1.1 The Translation of “曰” The Translation of Numbers4.2.2 Studies on Syntactic Level4.2.2.1 Cohesion4.2.2.2 Sentence Structure4.2.3 Figures of Speech4.2.3.1 Rhyming4.2.3.2 Simile4.2.3.3 Emphasis4.2.3.4 Repetitions4.3 Studies on the Translation of Culture-loaded Terms4.3.1 The Translation of Key Terms4.3.2 Proper Names4.3.2.1 Title of a Person4.3.2.2 The Names of Confucius’disciples and the Famous Statesman4.3.3 Cultural Factors4.3.3.1 Material Cultural Factors4.3.3.2 Institutional Cultural Factors4.3.3.3 Intellectual Cultural FactorsChapter Five Analysis of the Differences5.1 From the Perspective of Social Context5.1.1 From the Perspective of Political Background5.1.2 From the Perspective of Cultural Background5.2 Cultural Aggression and Resistance5.2.1 Poetics in China VS. Poetics in Western Countries5.2.2 Religious Differences5.2.3 Consideration of Intended Readers5.3 From the Perspective of Translator’s Subjectivity5.3.1 Motivation5.3.2 Cultural Attitude5.3.3 Linguistic CompetenceChapter Six ConclusionReferences发表的学术论文个人简历
标签:操纵论文; 意识形态论文; 赞助人论文; 相对性论文;
论意识形态对译者的操纵 ——《论语》英译本的对比研究