摘要Abstract中文文摘Chapter One IntroductionChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Phonological Awareness and Phonological Sensitivity2.2 Chinese Pinyin Learning and Phonological Sensitivity2.2.1 Chinese Pinyin System2.2.2 Studies on Phonological Sensitivity2.3 The Representation of Chinese Pinyin2.3.1 Formalized Representation of Chinese Pinyin2.3.2 Phonological Formalization and Character Representation2.4 Phonological Sensitivity and Vocabulary Learning2.4.1 Researches Abroad2.4.2 Researches at Home2.5 HypothesisChapter Three Experimental Study3.1 Subjects3.2 Materials3.3 Design and Procedure3.4 Results3.4.1 Descriptive Results3.4.2 Correlations3.4.3 Regression AnalysisChapter Four Discussion and Conclusion4.1 Discussion4.1.1 Correlation between Chinese Character and Chinese Phonological Sensitivity4.1.2 Correlation between English Word and Chinese Phonological Sensitivity4.1.3 Correlation between Chinese Character and English Word4.1.4 Phonological Memory in Current Study4.2 Conclusion4.3 Implications for Teaching4.4 LimitationsReferencesAppendix攻读学位期间承担的科研任务与主要成果Acknowledgements个人简历
标签:语音敏感性论文; 词汇记忆论文; 汉语拼音论文; 语音形式化表征论文;