
Abstract摘要List of TablesList of FiguresList of AbbreviationsChapter One Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Research Rationales1.3 Research Objectives1.4 Significance of the Present Research1.5 Overall Structure of the DissertationChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Related Studies of L1 WTC2.1.1 L1 WTC Construct2.1.1.1 Stage Fright and Reticence2.1.1.2 Unwillingness to Communicate2.1.1.3 Predisposition toward Verbal Behavior2.1.1.4 Shyness2.1.1.5 Willingness to Communicate2.1.2 Measurement of L1 WTC2.1.3 Previous Studies of Factors Influencing L1 WTC2.1.3.1 Communication Apprehension2.1.3.2 Self-perceived Communicative Competence2.1.3.3 Anomie and Alienation2.1.3.4 Introversion2.1.3.5 Self-esteem2.1.3.6 Cultural Divergence and Communication Skills2.1.3.7 Emotional Stability2.2 Related Empirical Studies of L2 WTC2.2.1 Measurement of L2 WTC2.2.2 Factors Influencing L2 WTC2.2.2.1 Factors Obtained from Quantitative Research2.2.2.2 Factors Identified from Qualitative Research2.2.3 L2 WTC and Language Program2.2.4 Empirical Studies of L2 WTC inside and outside the Classroom2.2.4.1 Research Abroad2.2.4.2 Research at Home2.2.5 Limitations of Previous Empirical Research on L2 WTCChapter Three Theoretical Foundations of L2 WTC for the Present Research3.1 L2 WTC Construct3.2 Models of L2 WTC3.2.1 MaoIntyre and Charos Model of L2 WTC3.2.2 Heuristic Model of Variables Influencing WTC3.2.3 L2 Communication Model in the Japanese EFL Context3.2.4 Variables Moderating the Relation between DC and WTC in the Chinese EFL Classroom3.2.5 A Preliminary Construct of Situational Willingness to Communicate3.3 Theoretical Framework of the Present StudyChapter Four Research Methodology4.1 Research Design4.2 Research Context4.3 Research Questions4.4 Participants4.4.1 Participants in the Quantitative Research4.4.2 Participants in the Qualitative Research4.5 Research Instruments4.5.1 L2 WTC inside and outside the Classroom Inventory4.5.1.1 Background Questionnaire4.5.1.2 L2 WTC outside the Classroom Scale4.5.1.3 L2 WTC inside the Classroom Scale4.5.2 Semi-structured Interview Schedule4.5.3 Focused Essay4.6 Pilot Study4.7 Data Collection4.8 Data Analysis4.8.1 Quantitative Analyses4.8.1.1 Scoring Procedures4.8.1.2 Statistical Procedures4.8.2 Qualitative Analyses4.8.2.1 Analysis of the Closed and Open-ended Questions4.8.2.2 Analysis of Semi-structured Interview and Focused EssayChapter Five Results of Quantitative Analysis5.1 Results of the Background Questionnaire5.1.1 Motivation to Speak English inside and outside the Classroom5.1.2 Anxiety to Speak English inside and outside the Classroom5.1.3 Serf-perceived Communicative Competence and Serf-perceived English Proficiency5.1.4 Attitude toward Speaking English inside and outside the Classroom5.1.5 Language Skill5.1.6 English Communication Frequency inside and outside the Classroom5.1.7 Classroom Activities5.1.8 Average Time per Week Participants Spent on English Learning outside the Classroom5.2 General Tendency and Characteristics of L2 WTCO and WTCI5.2.1 General Trend and Characteristics of L2 WTCO5.2.2 General Tendency and Characteristics of L2 WTCI5.3 Difference in Students L2 WTCO5.3.1 Gender Differences in Overall WTCO and Each Item5.3.1.1 Gender Difference in Overall WTCO5.3.1.2 Gender Difference in Each Item of WTCOS5.3.2 Grade Differences in overall WTCO and Each Item5.3.2.1 Grade Difference in overall WTCO5.3.2.2 Grade Difference in Each Item of WTCOS5.3.3 Differences in Overall WTCO and Each Item by Major5.3.3.1 Difference in Overall WTCO by Major5.3.3.2 Difference in Each Item of WTCOS by Major5.3.4 Difference in Overall WTCO by College English Teaching Reform Program5.4 Difference in Students L2 WTCI5.4.1 Gender Differences in Overall WTCI and Each Item5.4.1.1 Gender Difference in Overall WTCI5.4.1.2 Gender Differences in Each Item of WTCIS5.4.2 Grade Differences in Overall WTCI and Each Item5.4.2.1 Grade Difference in Overall WTCI5.4.2.2 Differences in Each Item of WTCIS by Grade Level5.4.3 Differences in Overall WTCI and Each Item by Major5.4.3.1 Difference in Overall WTCI by Major5.4.3.2 Differences in Each Item of WTCIS by Major5.4.4 Difference in Overall WTCI by College English Teaching Reform Program5.5 Effects of Background Variables on WTCI and WTCO5.5.1 MANOVA by L2 Communication Anxiety inside and outside the Classroom5.5.1.1.MANOVA by English Communication anxiety outside the Classroom5.5.1.2.MANOVA by English Communication Anxiety inside the Classroom5.5.2 MANOVA by L2 Self-perceived Communicative Competence and Self-perceived L2 Proficiency5.5.2.1 MANOVA by Self-perceived Communicative Competence5.5.2.2 MANOVA by Self-Perceived L2 Proficiency5.5.3 MANOVA by Attitude toward Speaking L2 inside and outside the Classroom5.5.3.1 MANOVA by Attitude toward Speaking English outside the Classroom5.5.3.2 MANOVA by Attitude toward Speaking English inside the Classroom5.5.4 MANOVA by English Speaking Motivation inside and outside the Classroom5.5.5 MANOVA by L2 Communication Frequency inside and outside the Classroom5.5.5.1 MANOVA by L2 Communication Frequency outside the Classroom5.5.5.2 MANOVA by L2 Communication Frequency inside the ClassroomChapter Six Results of Qualitative Analysis6.1 Students Perceptions of Factors Contributing to WTCI6.1.1 Analysis of Students Responses to the Closed and Open Questions6.1.2 Analysis of the Semi-structured Interview Transcripts and Focused Essay6.1.2.1 Influence of Teachers,Students and Classroom Atmosphere on Self-perceived Communicative Competence and WTCI6.1.2.2 Influence of Teachers,Students and Classroom Atmosphere on L2 Anxiety and WTCI6.1.2.3 Influence of Teachers,Students and Classroom Atmosphere on L2 Motivation and WTCI6.2 Students Perceptions of Factors Contributing to WTCO6.2.1 Analysis of Students "Responses to the Closed and Open Questions6.2.2 Analysis of the Semi-structured Interview Transcripts and Focused Essay6.2.2.1 Influence of Interlocutors,Topics and L2 Communication Context on Self-perceived Communicative Competence and WTCO6.2.2.2 Influence of Interlocutors,Topics and L2 Communication Context on L2 Anxiety and WTCO6.2.2.3 Influence of Interlocutors,Topics and L2 Communication Context on L2 Motivation and WTCOChapter Seven General Discussion7.1 Characteristics of Students L2 WTCO and WTCI7.1.1 Characteristics of Students L2 WTCO7.1.2 Characteristics of Students L2 WTCI7.2 Factors Influencing Students WTCO and WTCI7.2.1 Gender7.2.2 Grade7.2.3 Major7.2.4 College English Teaching Reform Program7.2.5 L2 Communication Anxiety7.2.6 Self-perceived Communicative Competence and Self-perceived L2 Proficiency7.2.7 Attitude toward Speaking the L27.2.8 L2 Speaking Motivation7.2.9 L2 Communication Frequency7.3 A Theoretical Framework of L2 WTC in the China-specific EFL Context7.3.1 Pyramid Model of Variables Influencing L2 WTCI7.3.2 Pyramid Model of Variables Influencing L2 WTCOChapter Eight Conclusions and Implications8.1 Summary of Major Findings8.1.1 The general Trend of Students WTCO and WTCI8.1.2 Effects of Background Variables on Students WTCO and WTCI8.1.3 Students Perceptions of Main Factors Influencing Students WTCO and WTCI8.2 Implications of the Study8.2.1 Theoretical Implications8.2.2 Methodological Implications8.2.3 Pedagogical Implications8.2.3.1 Promoting L2 WTC outside the Classroom8.2.3.2 Improving L2 WTC inside the Classroom8.2.3.3 Implications for College English Teaching Reform8.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future ResearchBibliographyAppendixesAppendix Ⅰ L2 WTC inside and outside the Classroom InventoryAppendix Ⅱ Semi-structured Interview ScheduleAppendix Ⅲ Focused EssayAcknowledgementsPublications学位论文评阅及答辩情况表
标签:课内交际意愿论文; 课外交际意愿论文; 二语交际焦虑论文; 交际能力的自我评价论文; 心理因素论文; 情景因素论文; 特质因素论文;