摘要AbstractContentsLIST OF TABLES & FIGUERESChapter 1 Introduction1.1.Overview1.2.Rationale1.3.Research questions1.4.Data collection1.5.Organization of the thesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Studies on E-mail messages2.1.1 From the linguistic perspective2.1.2 From the business etiquette perspective2.1.3 From the effective communication perspective2.2 Previous studies on development of intertextuality2.2.1 Critical approach2.2.2 Typological approach2.3 Previous studies on intertextual analysis2.3.1 Critical Discourses Analysis2.3.2 Translation and interpretation2.3.3 Other angles of analysis2.4 SummaryChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 The statement of theoretical framework3.1.1 The criteria of effective business writing3.1.1.1 Format3.1.1.2 Structure3.1.1.3 Language3.1.1.4 Message strategies3.1.2 The theory of intertextuality3.1.2.1 Reference3.1.2.2 Quotation3.1.2.3 Conventionalism3.1.2.4 Generic intertextuality3.1.2.5 Thematic/topical intertextuality3.1.2.6 Structural intertextuality3.1.2.7 Functional intertextuality3.1.3 Summary3.2 The scheme of theoretical frameworkChapter 4 Research Design4.1 The description of the questionnaire4.1.1 Participants4.1.2 Material4.1.3 Data collection4.1.4 The analysis and results4.1.4.1 The analysis on part one4.2 SummaryChapter 5 Case analysis5.1 Introduction5.2 The analysis5.2.1 Format5.2.1.1 Generic intertextuality5.2.2 Language5.2.2.1 Conventionalism5.2.2.2 Quotation5.2.2.3 Reference5.2.2.4 Thematic intertextuality5.2.2.5 Functional intertextuality5.2.3 Structure5.2.3.1 Structural intertextuality5.2.4 Message strategies5.2.4.1 Functional intertextuality5.2.4.2 Structural intertextuality5.3 SummaryChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Summary of the present study6.2 Major Findings6.3 Implications6.4 Limitation of the study6.5 Suggestions for further studyReferencesAcknowledgementsAppendix 1 QuestionnaireAppendix 2 Materials
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标签:互文性论文; 公司内部邮件论文; 沟通有效性论文; 雅戈尔服装有限公司论文;
公司内部邮件的互文性研究 ——雅戈尔服装有限公司内部通信的个案分析