
AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要ContentsChapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the Present Study1.2 Significance of the Present Study1.3 Purposes of the Present Study1.4 Structure of the ThesisChapter Two Previous Studies into Listening Comprehension and Anxiety2.1 Studies of Listening Comprehension2.1.1 Studies of Listening in Other Countries2.1.2 Studies of Listening in China2.1.3 Summary2.2 Studies of Anxiety and Language Learning2.2.1 Relevant Studies in Other Countries2.2.1.1 Earlier Researches on Foreign Language Anxiety2.2.1.2 Further Researches on Foreign Language Anxiety2.2.1.3 Studies on Alleviating Foreign Language Anxiety2.2.2 Relevant Studies in China2.3 SummaryChapter Three Theoretical Framework for Anxiety and Listening Comprehension3.1 Anxiety3.1.1 Trait, State and Situation-specific Anxiety3.1.2 The Facilitating/Debilitating Anxiety3.1.2.1 Facilitating Anxiety3.1.2.2 Debilitating Anxiety3.2 Foreign Language Anxiety3.2.1 Definition of Foreign Language Anxiety3.2.2 Horwitz et al.'s Three Components of Foreign Language Anxiety3.2.2.1 Communication Apprehension3.2.2.2 Test Anxiety3.2.2.3 Fear of Negative Evaluation3.2.3 Effects of Anxiety on Language Learning3.3 Measurement of Anxiety3.3.1 Measurement of General Psychological Anxiety3.3.2 Measurement of Situational-Specific Anxiety3.4 Listening Comprehension3.4.1 Characteristics of Listening Comprehension3.4.2 Factors Influencing Listening Process3.5 Krashen's Affective Filter Hypothesis3.6 Anxiety in Listening Comprehension3.7 SummaryChapter Four Research Methodology4.1 Research Design4.2 Subjects4.3 Instruments4.3.1 Crowne-Marlowe Social Desirability Scale4.3.2 Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale4.3.3 Foreign Language Listening Anxiety Scale4.4 Procedure4.4.1 Pilot Study4.4.2 Specific Steps of the Present Study4.4.3 Scoring4.4.4 Hypothesis for Quantitative Analysis4.4.5 Questions for Qualitative Analysis4.4.6 Data AnalysisChapter Five Results and Discussions5.1 Discussions of Quantitative Analysis5.1.1 Item Analysis and Factor Analysis of FLLAS5.1.1.1 Item Analysis of FLLAS5.1.1.2 Factor Analysis of FLLAS5.1.2 Descriptive Analysis of ELAS and the Relativity between CMSD and FLCAS and ELAS5.1.2.1 Reliability of ELAS5.1.2.2 Validity of ELAS5.1.2.3 Relativity between Scores of CMSD Scale and Scores of FLCAS, and Scores of CMSD Scale and Scores of ELAS5.1.3 Results and Discussions of the Hypothesis Testing5.1.3.1 Results and Discussions of Hypothesis Results and Discussions of Hypothesis Results and Discussions of Hypothesis 35.2 Discussions of Qualitative Analysis5.2.1 Situations When Subjects Feel Most Anxious and More Relaxed in Listening to English5.2.2 Causes of English Listening Anxiety5.2.2.1 Motivation5.2.2.2 Self-Esteem5.2.3 Coping with English Listening AnxietyChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Summary of the Findings6.1.1 Findings Related to Quantitative Analysis6.1.2 Findings Related to Qualitative Analysis6.2 Implications6.2.1 Theoretical Implication6.2.2 Practical Implication6.3 Limitations and Suggestions of the ThesisBibliographyAppendicesAppendix I CMSD English VersionAppendix II CMSD Chinese VersionAppendix III FLCAS English VersionAppendix IV FLCAS Chinese VersionAppendix V FLLAS English VersionAppendix VI FLLAS Chinese VersionAppendix VII ELAS Chinese VersionAppendix VIII Abbreviation List
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标签:外语学习焦虑论文; 听力焦虑论文; 状态性焦虑论文; 特质性焦虑论文;
外语听力理解中焦虑问题的研究 ——基于中国大学生英语教学的调查