Abstract摘要IntroductionChapter One Literature Review1.1 A general view on hermeneutic theory1.2 Three Core Concepts of Hermeneutics1.2.1 Prejudice1.2.2 Effective History Consciousness1.2.3 Fusion of Horizons1.3 Translation Studies and HermeneuticsChapter Two Hermeneutics and Translator's Subjectivity2.1 Translator's Subjectivity2.1.1 Subject and Subjectivity2.1.2 The Subject of Translation and the Subjectivity of the Translator2.2 Steiner and the Hermeneutic Motion2.2.1 Trust2.2.2 Aggression2.2.3 Incorporation2.2.4 Compensation2.3 Close Relationship between Hermeneutics and Translator's SubjectivityChapter Three A Hermeneutic Approach to Translator's Subjectivity in Children's Literature Translation3.1 Features of Children's Literature Translation3.2 Translator's Subjectivity in Children's Literature Translation From the perspective of Hermeneutics3.2.1 Prejudice and Translator's Cultural Mistranslation3.2.2 Effective History Consciousness and Translator's Creative Treason3.2.3 Fusion of Horizons and Inter-Subjectivity in Translation3.3 Case Study to the Chinese Versions of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland3.3.1 A general introduction to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland3.3.2 The First Chinese Version by Zhao Yuanren3.3.3 The Realization of Translator's Subjectivity in Zhao Yuanren's Chinese Version of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland3.3.3.1 Cultural Mistranslation3.3.3.2 Creative Treason3.3.3.3 Inter-subjectivityConclusionBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements
标签:阐释学论文; 译者主体性论文; 儿童文学翻译论文; 阿丽思漫游奇境记论文;