摘要AbstractIntroduction0.1 Research Background0.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study0.3 Methodology0.4 Organization of the ThesisChapter 1 Literature Review of Learning Styles1.1 Reviews of the Previous Studies on Learning Styles1.1.1 Definitions of Learning Styles1.1.2 Overviews of the Researches into Learning Styles Abroad1.1.2.1 Several Phrases about Learning Styles’Researches1.1.2.2 Theoretical&Practical Overviews of Learning Styles’ Researches1.1.3 Overviews of Domestic Learning Styles Researches1.2 Definitions and Introduction of Teaching Preferences1.3 Thoughts on Previous and Current Researches1.3.1 Some deficiencies in researches of learning styles in China1.3.1.1 Some deficiencies in theoretical researches1.3.1.2 Some deficiencies in application and practice of the researches1.3.2 Reflections on the researches of teaching preferences1.3.3 Innovation and significance of this studyChapter 2 Research Design2.1 Line of Thinking2.2 Research Methods2.2.1 Quantity Research2.2.1.1 Sampling2.2.1.2 Designs and Employments of Investigation Tools2.2.2 Qualitative Research2.2.2.1 Choices of the Subjects2.2.2.2 Modes of Inquiry2.2.2.3 Interview Contents2.3 Analysis of Data and Results2.3.1 PLSP&Differences of HRG /LRG Respectively2.3.2 Teaching Preference Tendencies&Their Differences2.3.3 Degree of Correlation of LS&TP of Two Groups2.3.4 RM of ELS&TP and Influences of Differences to LA2.3.4.1 Differences on Models’EXLSD&Influences of Differences to LA2.3.4.2 Differences on Models’KLSD&Influences of Differences to LA2.3.4.3 Differences on Models’GLSD&Influences of Differences to LA2.3.4.4 Differences on Models’VLSD&Influences of Differences to LA2.3.4.5 Differences on Models’ALSD&Influences of Differences to LAChapter 3 Conclusion3.1 Limitations of the study3.2 Pedagogical suggestions from the Study FindingsBibliographyAcknowledgementsAppendix攻读学位期间主要研究成果目录附录Ⅰ附录Ⅱ详细摘要
标签:学习风格论文; 教学偏好论文; 学习成绩论文; 相关度论文; 图模论文;