摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Vague Language1.1.1 Definition of Vagueness1.1.2 Causes of Vague LanguageChapter Two Basic Notions Relative to Vague Language2.1 Vagueness in Language2.1.1 Generation of Semantic Vagueness2.2 Vagueness Versus Ambiguity2.2.1 Ambiguity2.2.2 Distinction between Ambiguity and Vagueness2.3 The Concept of Vagueness2.3.1 The epistemic conception of vagueness2.3.2 The Semantic Conceptions of VaguenessChapter Three Analysis of Vague Language from Different Perspectives3.1 Hedges-the Core of Vague Language3.1.1 Types of Terms for Expressing Vagueness3.1.2 Hedges and Their Types3.1.2.1 What Are Hedges3.1.2.2 Analysis of Hedges in Perspective of Semantics3.1.2.3 Classification of Hedges3.2 Vague Language, Meaning and Context3.2.1 Vague Language and Meaning3.2.1.1 Semantic Vagueness and Static Meaning3.2.1.2 Pragmatic Vagueness and Dynamic Meaning3.2.1.3 The Relationship between Semantic Vagueness and Pragmatic Vagueness3.2.2 The Significance of Context in Understanding Vague Language3.2.2.1 Context and Utterance Meaning3.2.2.2 Understanding Vague Language in Context3.2.2.3 Vagueness Restricted by Context3.3 Vague Language and Pragmatic Theories3.3.1 Cooperative Principle3.3.2 Politeness PrincipleChapter Four A Further Analysis of Certain Aspects of Pragmatic Functions of Vague Language4.1 Theoretical Grounds for Pragmatic Functions of Vague Language4.2 Communicative Functions of Vague language4.2.1 Providing the Adequate Amount of Information4.2.2 Making up for Linguistic Inadequacy4.2.3 For Self-Protection4.2.4 Making Language More Polite4.3 The Use of Vague Language in Law4.3.1 Meeting the Requirement of Legislation4.3.2 Meeting the Needs and Expectation of the Changing SocietyChapter Five ConclusionAcknowledgementsBibliography研究成果
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