摘要AbstractContentsList of TableList of FigureAbbreviationsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Preliminaries1.2 Objective and Theoretical Framework of the Research1.3 Research Questions and Our Proposals1.4 Organization of this thesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Introduction of Secondary Predicate Construction2.1.1 Properties of Secondary Predicate Construction2.1.2 English Transitive vs. Intransitive Resultative Construction2.2 Previous Studies on the Syntactic Structure of English Secondary Predicate Construction2.2.1 Complex-transitive Analysis of Secondary Predicate Construction in Descriptive Grammars2.2.2 Small-clause Analysis of Secondary Predicate Construction2.2.3 Complex-predicate Analysis of Secondary Predicate Construction2.2.4 Predication-theory Analysis of Secondary Predicate Construction2.3 Previous Analyses of the Structure of Chinese Resultatives2.3.1 Complex Predicate and Control Construction2.3.2 Small Clause Construction2.3.3 Dualistic Structures based on the Lexical Semantics2.4 Previous Studies on Licensing Conditions on Secondary Predicates2.5 SummaryChapter 3 The Syntactic Structure of Chinese Resultatives3.1 Chinese Transitive vs. Intransitive Resultative Construction3.2 Dichotomous Analysis of the Structure of Chinese Resultatives3.2.1 Selectedness and Control/Small Clause Construction3.2.2 Evidence of Dichotomous Analysis according to Selectedness3.3 SummaryChapter 4 Licensing Conditions on Chinese Secondary Predicates Revisited4.1 Introduction4.2 Compatibility of Secondary Predicate Positions and Property/Descriptive Predicates4.2.1 Compatibility of Secondary Predicate Positions and Property Predicates4.2.2 Compatibility of Secondary Predicate Positions and Descriptive Predicates4.2.3 Correlation between Property/Descriptive Predicates and Individual/Stage-level Predicates4.2.4 Summary4.3 Licensing Conditions on the Distinct Distribution of Property and Descriptive Secondary Predicates4.3.1 Licensing Conditions on the Distinct Distribution of Property and Descriptive Secondary Predicates4.3.2 Tense Hypothesis (Stowell,1982)4.3.3 Accounting for Licensing Conditions on the Distinct Distribution of Property and Descriptive Secondary Predicates4.4 SummaryConclusionReferencesAppendixA 攻读学位期间所发表的学术论文AppendixB 详细中文摘要Acknowledgements
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标签:次要谓语论文; 控制结构论文; 小子句结构论文;