Abstract摘要Table of ContentsList of Tables and FiguresList of AbbreviationsChapter Ⅰ1.0. Introduction1.1. Background of the Study1.2. Statement of the Problem1.3. Purpose of the Study1.4. Research questions1.5. Significance of the Study1.6. Limitation of the StudyChapter Ⅱ2.1. Literature Review2.2. The Importance of Early Childhood Education2.3. Early Childhood Education in China2.3.1. Education System2.3.2. Early Childhood Policies2.3.3. Early Childhood Education and one child policy2.3.4. Curriculum2.4. Early Childhood Education in Tanzania2.4.1. Education system of Tanzania2.4.2. Early Childhood Policies in Tanzania2.4.3. Curriculum2.4.4. Investment in preschool education2.4.5. The importance of Child Rights in Education2.4.6. Family-Preschool Partnership in Tanzania2.5. Theoretical Framework2.5.0. Core Values of Reggio Emilia Approach on Early Childhood Education2.5.1. The role of reciprocal relationship2.5.2. Ongoing professional/staff development2.5.3. The role of Collaboration in Early childhood education2.5.4. The role of Environment in Early childhood education2.5.5. The role of emergent curriculum2.5.6. Summary of the Core Values of Reggio Emilia ApproachChapter Ⅲ3.0. Research Methodology3.1. Research Design3.2. Study Area3.3. Sample Size3.4. Methods of Data Collection3.4.1. Questionnaire3.4.2. Interview Method3.4.3. Documentation3.4.4. Observation3.5. Data AnalysisChapter Ⅳ4.0. Results4.1. Reciprocal relationship4.1.1. Child-Teacher Relationship4.1.2. Parents Involvement on their Children's learning4.1.3. Parents Response to their Children's Homework4.1.4. School Feedback to Parents4.1.5. School Consideration to Parents Opinions4.1.6. Outcome of Parents Teachers Meetings4.2. Ongoing Professional Development4.2.1. Rate of Teacher Promotion4.2.2 Level of Teacher's Education4.2.3. Teachers Salary4.3. The role of Collaboration4.3.1. Level of Teachers Cooperation4.3.2. Teachers Discussion on Teaching Improvement4.4. The role of Environment on ECE4.4.1. Adjusting to school environment4.4.2. Quality of Playing Facilities4.4.3. Availability of Teaching Materials4.4.4. Use of Computer Technology4.4.5. School Building and Learning facilities4.5. Emergent Curriculum4.5.1. School Documentation of Children's Activities4.5.2. Children's Participation on Learning ProcessChapter Ⅴ5.0. Discussion and Conclusion5.1. Reciprocal relationship5.1.1. Parental involvement on their children's learning5.1.2. School Feedback to Parents5.2. Ongoing Professional/Staff Development5.3. The role of Collaboration5.4. The role of Environment5.4.1. Quality of Playing Facilities5.4.2. Availability of Teaching Materials5.5. Emergent Curriculum5.5.1. Documentation5.5.2. Children's Participation on Learning Process5.5.3. Summary and ConclusionReferencesAppendicesQuestionnaire for TanzaniaQuestionnaire for ChinaAcknowledgement
幼儿教育阶段教与学方法的比较研究 ——以中国和坦桑尼亚为例