
摘要AbstractChapter 1 introduction1.1 Background of the study1.2 Significance of cooperative learning in English teaching1.3 Purpose of the study1.4 Thesis organizationChapter 2 literature review on the English low achievers2.1 The previous researches on the English low achievers2.2 Definitions and characteristics of the English low achievers2.2.1 Definitions2.2.2 Characteristics2.2.2.1 Lack of study interest2.2.2.2 Lack of sufficient attention in class2.2.2.3 English low achievers are shy of expressing themselves in English2.2.2.4 Lack of study initiative, students with learning difficulties are always in the passive position2.2.2.5 Ineffective studying methodsChapter 3 Literature review on cooperative learning3.1 research background on the cooperative learning3.2 Definitions of cooperative learning3.3 Theoretical basis of cooperative learning3.3.1 Social-constructivism3.3.2 Humanistic psychology3.3.3 Cognitive developmental theory3.3.4 Motivational theory3.4 Characteristics of the cooperative learning methods3.4.1 positive interdependence3.4.2 Face to face oral communication3.4.3 Individual accountability3.4.4 Development of small group social work3.4.5 Evaluating and processingChapter 4 A research on the Improvement of cooperative Learning4.1 Introduction4.2 Research questions4.3 Instruments4.4 Data collection4.5 Interviews4.6 Questionnaires4.7 Tests4.8 Subjects4.9 ProceduresChapter 5 Data Analysis and Discussion5.1 Introductions5.2 Data from pretest and posttest5.3 Pretest5.4 Questionnaires5.4.1 Pre-questionnaire on the causes of the English low achievers5.4.1.1 Factors of students learning strategies5.4.1.2 Non-learning factors5.5 posttest5.6 findings from the interviewChapter 6 methods on the enhancement of the low achiever’s cooperative learning ability6.1 Introduction6.2 Improvement of relationship between teachers and low achievers6.2.1 teacher-student6.2.2 student-student6.3 cultivation of the students self-confidence in learning6.4 Adding more interest on low achievers’learning6.5 fundamental strategies of cooperative learning6.5.1 Students’Team-achievements Divisions (STAD)6.5.2 Team Game Tournament (TGT)6.5.3 Real application of the STAD strategy6.5.4 Learning together (LT)6.6 summaryChapter 7 Conclusion7.1 Summary7.2 Answers to the research questions7.3 Constraints of the CL strategy7.4 Imitations for the studyReferencesAppendix AAppendix B questionnaireAppendix C interview questionsAcknowledgements
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标签:农村英语学困生论文; 合作式学习论文; 情感教育论文; 学业成绩论文;