AcknowledgementsEnglish abstractChinese abstractContentsChapter One:IntroductionChapter Two:Assumptions About L1 Reading2.1 Mini-survey of a reading Exam2.2 Assumptions of L1 Reading2.2.1 Reading in the cognitive View2.2.2 Bottom-up2.2.3 Top-down2.2.4 Interactive2.3 Cognitive Components of ReadingChapter Three:Factors That Affect English Reading Comprehension3.1 Brief history of L2 Reading Research3.2 Reasons of Affecting Reading Comprehension Stated By students3.3 Intermediary System of Cognition Including Knowledge Structure and Ability Structure3.3.1 Knowledge Structure3.3.2 Ability Structure3.3.3 Relationship Between Knowledge Structure and Ability StructureChapter Four:Suggestions to Improve Reading Comprehension4.1 Automaticity in Word Identification4.1.1 Difference Between L1 and L2 readings4.1.2 Word Indentification Mainly Lower-level Process4.1.3 Automatic Word Recognition4.2 Making Inferences in Reading Comprehension4.2.1 Definition of Inference4.2.2 Importance of Making Inference in Reading Comprehension4.2.3 Assumptions of L1 Inferences4.2.4 Making Inference in L2 ReadingChapter Five:ConclusionReferences
标签:认知理论论文; 英语课堂论文; 阅读教学论文;