摘要AbstractContentsList of FiguresChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research topic1.2 Rationale1.3 Research questions1.4 Organization of the thesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Previous studies on the bottom-up model2.1.1 The introduction of the bottom-up model2.1.2 Comments on the bottom-up model2.2 Previous studies on the top-down model2.2.1 The introduction of the top-down model2.2.2 Comments on the top-down model2.3 Previous studies on the interactive model2.3.1 The introduction of the interactive model2.3.2 Comments on the interactive model2.4 Previous studies on the schema theory2.4.1 The introduction of the schema theory2.4.2 Comments on the schema theory2.5 The influence of the reading models & schema theory on business English reading2.6 Previous studies on domestic business English reading2.7 SummaryChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Communication as an ostensive-inferential process3.1.1 Ostension3.1.2 Inference3.2 Cognitive environment and manifestness3.2.1 Cognitive environment3.2.2 Mutual cognitive environment3.2.3 Manifestness3.3 Relevance3.3.1 The definition of relevance3.3.2 The principle of relevance3.4 SummaryChapter 4 Application of Relevance Theory to Business English Reading4.1 The general introduction of business English at home and abroad4.1.1 The general introduction of business English abroad4.1.2 The general introduction of business English at home4.2 The superiority of Relevance Theory in business English reading4.2.1 The excellence of Relevance Theory in business English reading4.2.2 The superiority of Relevance Theory over other reading models and the schema theory in business English reading4.2.3 Summary4.3 The illustration of Relevance Theory to explain the reading difficulties for the Chinese readers when reading original business English materials4.3.1 From abbreviations4.3.2 From the encyclopedic part4.3.3 SummaryChapter 5 Suggestions to Improve the Reading of Original Business English Materials5.1 Attending to the abbreviations in the original business English reading materials5.1.1 Preparing a notebook to collect the abbreviations5.1.2 Systematically mastering the abbreviations5.2 Bridging the gap of encyclopedic information in the cognitive environment5.2.1 Reading the relevant business materials in Chinese5.2.2 Taking courses or reading books on the introduction of western countries5.2.3 Reading the original business English materials constantly and consistently5.3 SummaryChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Conclusion of the thesis6.2 Limitations of the thesis6.3 Suggestions for further studiesReferencesAcknowledgements
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