AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 The Research Background1.2 The Research Significance1.3 The Research Methodology1.4 The Structure of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 An Introduction to the Reception Theory2.1.1 The Background and Origination of the Reception Theory2.1.2 Definition of the Reception Theory2.1.3 The Theoretical Basis of the Reception Theory2.1.4 The Development of the Reception Theory2.1.5 The Significance of the Reception Theory2.2 Main Concepts of the Reception Theory2.2.1 Horizon of Expectations in the Reception Theory2.2.2 Indeterminacy and Gaps of Text in the Reception Theory2.2.3 Appealing Structure in the Reception Theory2.3 Explorations of the Nature of Translation from the Perspective of the Reception TheoryChapter 3 A Comparative Study of the Two Translated Versions of The Scarlet Lettr from the Perspective of the Reception Theory3.1 An Introduction to Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter3.1.1 An Introduction to the Original Version of The Scarlet Letter3.1.1.1 The general plot of The Scarlet Letter3.1.1.2 The Significance of The Scarlet Letter both in America and China3.1.1.3 About the Writer:Life, Writings and Ideas3.1.2 An Introduction to the Chinese Versions of The Scarlet Letter3.1.2.1 Han Shiheng's Chinese versions of The Scarlet Letter3.1.2.2 Yao Naiqiang's Chinese versions of The Scarlet Letter3.2 Horizon of Expectations in The Scarlet Letter3.2.1 Translator's Horizon of Expectations3.2.2 Factors Effecting Translator's Horizon of Expectations in The Scarlet Letter3.2.2.1 Different Historical and Social Background3.2.2.2 Different Religions Beliefs3.2.2.3 Different Cultural Background3.3 Translator's Indeterminacy and Its Applications to the Two Translated Versions of The Scarlet Letter3.3.1 Functions of Translator's Indeterminacy3.3.2 Effects of Translator's Indeterminacy on the Two Translated Versions of The Scarlet Letter3.4 Gaps and Its Applications to the Two Translated Versions of The Scarlet Letter3.5 Appealing Structure and Its Applications to the Two Translated Versions of The Scarlet LetterChapter 4 Conclusion4.1 Major Findings4.2 Limitations of the Study4.3 Suggestions for the Future StudyReferences
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