AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要I. Introduction1.1 Background of ESL teaching1.2 Existing problems in Chinese middle schools1.3 Importance of reading1.4 Rationale for the research1.5 Structure of the thesisII. The literature review2.1 Researching background of self-regulated Learning2.2 Similar terms of self-regulated learning2.3 Different theories of self-regulated learning2.4 Definition of self-regulated learningIII. English reading comprehension in senior middle schools3.1 The importance of self-regulated study on reading in senior middle schools3.2 The existing problems of reading3.3 The characteristics of effective reading3.4 The roles of teachers and students3.4.1 The existing concept and current situations3.4.2 The new roles of teacher3.4.3 The roles of teacher in self -regulated learningIV. SRL instruction model4.1 A cyclic model for SRL4.2 Time allocation for SRL4.3 Self-evaluation and monitoring4.4 Planning and goal-setting4.4.1 Importance of motivation and goal-setting4.4.2 Problems in goal-setting4.4.3 Tips on goal setting4.4.4 Planning in SRL4.5 Strategy implementation and monitoring4.5.1 Guide of reading strategy4.5.2 Students’portfolios4.6 Outcome monitoring and strategy refinement4.6.1 The role of outcome monitoring and strategy refinement4.6.2 The specific ways to monitor outcome and refine strategies4.6.3 The role self-efficacy plays4.7 Summary4.8 Case study: an example of cyclic reading modelV. Research design and data presentation5.1 Objectives of the study5.2 Subjects of the study5.3 Data collection instruments5.3.1 Questionnaire5.3.2 Interview5.3.3 Learners’profile5.3.4 Teacher’s journal5.3.5 English proficiency test5.4 Data presentation and discussion5.4.1 Data Collected Through the English Proficiency Tests5.4.2 Presentation and discussion of post-test5.4.3 Presentation and discussion of post-test5.4.4 Data collected through the Questionnaire5.4.5 Presentation and discussion on the questionnaireVI. Conclusion6.1 Major findings from the experiment6.2 Implications for future strategy instruction6.3 Limitations of the present study6.4 SummaryBibliographyAppendix 1Appendix 2Appendix 3
标签:自我调节学习论文; 阅读策略论文; 自我调节阅读的循环模式论文;
A Study on Self-regulated Reading in Senior Middle Schools