中文摘要AbstractChapter 1 Literature Review1.1 The Review on the Study of Lun Yu1.1.1 Its Contents, Versions and History1.1.2 Its Linguistic Features and Commentaries1.2 Review on the Study of Translation of Lun Yu1.3 Review on the Study of Ku Hungming’s Translation of Lun YuSummaryChapter 2 Postcolonial Theory2.1 The Definition and Scope of Postcolonial Theory2.1.1 The Definition of the Postcolonial Theory2.1.2 The Scope of the Postcolonial Theory2.2 Cultural HegemonismSummaryChapter 3 The Functions of Domestication and Foreignization3.1 The Traditional Functions of Domestication and Foreignization3.1.1 Domestication—the Tool of Colonization3.1.2 Foreignization—the Way of DecolonizationSummaryChapter 4 Analysis on Ku Hungming’s Translation Version of Lun Yu4.1 The Living Times of Ku Hungming4.2 Ku Hungming’s Translating Purpose and Background4.2.1 The Reason of Ku Hungming’s Translating Lun Yu4.2.1.1 The Disappointment at the Sinology and the Sinologists4.2.1.2 His Dissatisfactory to James Legge’s Translation Version4.2.1.3 The Encouragement from His Friends4.2.2 The Purpose of Ku Hungming’s Re-translating Activity4.2.2.1 To Correct China’s Image in the West4.2.2.2 To Disseminate the Confucian Classics Around the World4.3 The Style of Ku Hungming’s Translation Version of Lun Yu4.3.1 Sentence Pattern4.3.2 Proper Names4.3.3 The Religious Culture4.3.4 Quoting the Western Celebrities’Poems as Annotation.4.4 Analysis on Ku Hungming’s Translation Strategy4.4.1 The Concerns for the Western Readers’Reading Habits4.4.2 To Improve the Status of Lun Yu4.4.3 To Show the Literary and Morality of Lun Yu4.5 Comments on Ku’s Translation Activities and Some Shortcomings of His Translation4.5.1 To Disseminate Chinese Confucianism to the West4.5.2 To Correct the Mistakes of the Sinologists, Remold the Chinese Image,and Safeguard the National Dignity4.5.3 Over Paraphrased and Few MistakesSummaryChapter 5 Further Discussion on the Functions of Domestication and Foreignization from the Postcolonial Perspective5.1 Domestication—the Tool of Getting Sympathy5.2 Foreignization—the Tool of Operating Political DifferentialSummaryConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgementsAppendix
标签:辜鸿铭论文; 后殖民主义论文; 归化论文; 异化论文;