Abstract摘要IntroductionChapter 1 Theoretical Foundations1.1 A Survey of Systemic Functional Stylistics1.1.1 The Development of Systemic Functional Stylistics1.1.2 The Major Concerns and Theories of Systemic Functional Stylistics1.1.3 The Approach and Function of Systemic Functional Stylistics on Appreciation of Poetry1.2 A Survey of Cognitive Stylistics1.2.1 The Theoretical Basis of Cognitive Stylistics — Cognitive Linguistics1.2.2 The Philosophical Foundation of Cognitive Linguistics1.2.3 The Major Research Topics of Cognitive Linguistics1.3 Comparison between Cognitive Stylistics and Functional StylisticsChapter 2 Stylistic Analysis of Dylan Thomas’s Poems (1): Context2.1 A Literary Review on the Study of Context2.2 Context in Systemic Functional Linguistics: Halliday’s View2.3 Case Study: the Role of Context in Appreciating and Interpreting Dylan Thomas’s Poems2.3.1 Context in Poetry2.3.2 The Functions of Context in Understanding and Interpreting Literary Works2.3.3 The Application of Theories on Context to the Analyses of Dylan Thomas’s Poems2.4 SummaryChapter 3 Stylistic Analysis of Dylan Thomas’s Poems (2): Metaphor3.1 Literature Review of Studies on Metaphor3.1.1 Traditional Theories of Metaphor3.1.2 Comments on the above Studies on Metaphor3.1.3 Systemic Functional Views of Metaphor3.2 The Views of Cognitive Linguistics on Metaphor3.2.1 The Definition of Cognitive Metaphor3.2.2 The Experiential Bases of Conceptual Metaphor3.2.3 Working Mechanism of Conceptual Metaphor: Cross –Domain Mapping3.2.4 Types of Conceptual Metaphor3.3 Case Study: Metaphors in Dylan Thomas’s Poems3.3.1 Metaphor and Poetry3.3.2 The Interpretation of Metaphors in Dylan Thomas’s Poems3.3.3 The Functions of Metaphor3.4 SummaryChapter 4 Stylistic Analysis of Dylan Thomas’s Poems (3): Iconicity4.1 The Definition of Iconicity4.2 Relevant Studies of Iconicity4.2.1 Arbitrariness4.2.2 Different Views of Iconicity4.2.3 The Types of Iconicity4.2.4 Iconicity Principles in Cognitive Linguistic Framework4.3 Case Study: Iconicity in Dylan Thomas’s Poems and Its Stylistic Effects4.3.1 Iconicity and Poetry4.3.2 The Interpretation and Evaluation of Iconicity in Dylan Thomas’s Poems4.3.3 The Effects of Iconicity on the Appreciation of Poetry4.4 SummaryConclusion1. Major Findings of the Present Study2. The Originality and Significance of the Study3. Limitations of the Thesis and Suggestions for Further ResearchBibliographyAppendixesAcknowledgementsResume
标签:功能文体分析论文; 认知文体分析论文; 语境论文; 隐喻论文; 象似性论文;
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