摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Significance1.2 Data Collection and Methodology1.3 Design Questions1.4 Organization of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Studies on Intertextuality2.1.1 Origin of Intertextuality: Bakhkin’s Dialogism2.1.2 Development of Intertextuality2.1.2.1 Julia Kristeva2.1.2.2 Roland Barthes2.1.2.3 Genard Genette2.1.3 Classifications of Intertextuality2.1.3.1 Intratextuality and Extratextuality2.1.3.2 Active and Passive Intertextuality2.1.3.3 Specific and Generic Intertextuality2.1.3.4 Manifest and Constitutive Intertextuality2.1.4 Typology of Intertextuality2.1.5 Application of Intertextuality2.1.5.1 Intertextuality in Literary Analysis2.1.5.2 Intertextuality in Non-literary Analysis2.2 Studies on Presidents’Victory Speeches and Inaugural AddressesChapter Three Theoretical Framework3.1 Manifest Intertextuality3.1.1 Cliché3.1.2 Allusion3.1.3 Quotation3.1.4 Conventionalism3.1.5 Parody3.2 Constitutive Intertextuality3.2.1 Genre Intertextuality3.2.2 Structural Intertextuality3.2.3 Rhetorical Intertextuality3.2.4 Thematic/Topical Intertextuality3.2.5 Intertextuality in Sentence Patterns and Lexicon3.2.6 Functional Intertextuality3.3 SummaryChapter Four Intertextuality Analysis of Obama’s Victory Speech and Inaugural Address4.1 Manifest Intertextuality Analysis4.1.1 Cliché4.1.2 Allusion4.1.2.1 Allusions in the Victory Speech4.1.2.2 Allusions in the Inaugural Address4.1.3 Quotation4.1.3.1 Quotations in the Victory Speech4.1.3.2 Quotations in the Inaugural Address4.1.4 Conventionalism4.1.5 Parody4.1.5.1 Conjunction Begun Sentences4.1.5.2 Imperative Sentences4.1.5.3 Elevated Words or Structure4.2 Constitutive Intertextuality Analyses4.2.1 Generic Intertextuality4.2.1.1 Religious Prayer4.2.1.2 Descriptive Genre4.2.1.3 Narrative Genre4.2.1.4 Poetic Genre4.2.2 Thematic/Topical Intertextuality4.2.3 Structural Intertextuality4.2.4 Rhetorical Intertextuality4.2.4.1 Parallelism and Repetition4.2.4.2 Antithesis4.2.5 Intertextuality in Sentence Patterns and Lexicon4.2.6 Functional Intertextuality4.3 SummaryChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Summary5.2 Major Findings5.3 Implications5.4 Limitations5.5 Suggestions for Further StudiesAcknowledgementsBibliography作者在读研期间研究成果Appendix AAppendix B
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标签:互文性论文; 获胜演说论文; 就职演说论文; 奥巴马演说特点论文;