Abstract摘要Introduction1. Research background2. Research questions3. Basic rationale4. Research purpose and expected meaning5. Difficulties6. Structure of the thesisChapter One Literature Review1.1 The studies of application of corpus to English vocabulary teaching abroad1.1.1 Former studies of Application of corpus to English teaching and learning1.1.2 The present studies of application of corpus to English vocabulary teaching1.2 The studies of application of corpus to English vocabulary teaching at homeChapter Two Theoretical Framework2.1 Vocabulary and vocabulary knowledge2.1.1 Definition of vocabulary2.1.2 Broadness of vocabulary knowledge and depth of vocabulary knowledge2.1.3 The importance of vocabulary leaching in language learning2.2 Application of corpus and vocabulary teaching2.2.1 Definition of corpus2.2.2 Application of corpus to vocabulary teaching and learning2.2.2.1 Deductive approach2.2.2.2 Inductive approach2.3 Data-Driven- Learning Method of corpus2.3.1 The Basic Concepts of Data-Driven Learning2.3.2 Principles of Data-Driven Learning2.4 The formation of a new lexical learning model2.4.1 Changes of students’role2.4.2 Change of teachers’role2.5 ConclusionChapter Three Research Design of Experiment3.1 Objectives3.2 Subjects3.3 Experiment Design3.3.1 Materials3.3.1.1 Corpus3.3.1.2 Software3.3.2 Instruments3.3.2.1 Tests3.3.2.2 Questionnaire to the students3.3.2.3 Interview of teachers3.4 Experimental Procedures3.4.1 Pre- experiment3.4.2 During –experiment3.4.3 Post–experiment3.5 A case of application of corpus to English vocabulary teaching3.6 Data collection3.7 ConclusionChapter Four Results and Discussion of experiment4.1 Analysis of the Results4.1.1 Results and Analysis of the pre-test4.1.2 Results and Analysis of the post-test4.1.3 Comparisons between the pre-test and the post-test4.2 The analysis and discussion of the questionnaire research of the experiment class4.3 Discussion of the result of the interviews4.4 ConclusionChapter Five Implications and Suggestions5.1 Major Findings of the experiment5.2 Pedagogical implications5.2.1 Indications5.2.2 Application5.3 Limitations of the present research5.4 Suggestions for further researchConclusionBibliographyAppendixAppendix I pre-testAppendix II post-testAppendix III Questionnaire for the LearnersAppendix IVAcknowledgementsPublications
标签:英语词汇教学论文; 语料库语言学论文; 数据驱动学习论文;