Abstract摘要List of AbbreviationsList of Figures and TablesChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 Aims of this study and organization of this thesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Impersonality of academic writing2.2 Studies of writer identity in academic writing2.2.1 Identity and discourse2.2.2 Studies of voice2.2.3 Ivanic's framework of writer identity in academic writing2.3 Studies of first person pronouns2.3.1 Semantic reference of first person pronouns2.3.1.1 Inclusive and exclusive we2.3.1.2 Generic use of first person pronouns2.3.1.3 Semantic mappings of first person plurals in academic writing2.3.2 Discourse functions of first person pronouns in academic writing2.3.2.1 Fortanet,Harwood,and Kuo's models2.3.2.2 Tang and John,Starfield and Ravelli and Hyland's models2.4 Cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural studies2.5 Research gap and research questions2.5.1 Research gap and significance of this study2.5.2 Research questionsChapter 3 Methodology3.1 Data collection3.1.1 Selection of the discipline and journals3.1.2 Selection of articles3.2 The corpora3.3 Data analysisChapter 4 Results and Discussion4.1 Overall frequency of first person pronouns4.2 Discourse functions of first person pronouns and writer identities4.2.1 The author as the representative to represent a group of people4.2.2 The author as the guide to organize texts or state purposes4.2.3 Reflexive I to state the origin or settings of the article4.2.4 The author as the recounter of research process4.2.5 The author as the person who cites him/herself4.2.6 The author as the person who states his/her own limitations4.2.7 The author as the suggestion-holder to give teaching/research suggestions4.2.8 The author as the opinion-holder to give opinions4.2.9 The author as the originator to state results/claims4.3 A comparison of English and Chinese articles in their use of first person pronouns4.4 Writer identity and semantic reference of first person pronouns4.5 Discussion4.5.1 Cultural collectivism and individualism4.5.2 Social orientation of Chinese people in self-representation and the weak writer identity in academic texts4.5.2.1 Other orientation in self-representation and the use of first person pronouns4.5.2.2 Authority orientation in self-representation and the use of first person pronounsChapter 5 Pedagogical Implications and Conclusion5.1 Pedagogical implications5.1.1 Awareness raising5.1.2 Syllabus design5.1.3 Material development5.2 Conclusion5.2.1 A summary of findings5.2.2 Limitations and suggestions for further researchReferencesAppendixAcknowledgements学位论文评阅及答辩情况表
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标签:作者身份论文; 学术论文写作论文; 第一人称论文;