摘要ABSTRACTCONTENTSChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Overview of the Study1.2 Description of the Present Study1.2.1 Research Questions1.2.2 Data Collection and Methodology1.2.3 The Organization of this ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Overview2.2 Definition of Contracts and Business Contracts2.3 Development of Legal Translation2.4 Relevant Studies on Business Contracts2.4.1 Linguistic Features of Business Contracts2.4.2 Strategies of Translating Business Contracts2.4.3 Principles of Translating Business Contracts2.4.4 Theoretical Considerations on Translation of Business Contracts2.5 Application of Functional Grammar to Various Discourses Analysis and Translation StudiesChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 A Brief Introduction to Halliday's Functional Grammar3.2 Halliday's Conceptual Framework3.2.1 Context3.2.2 System3.2.3 Meta-functions3.2.4 Summary of Halliday's Conceptual Framework3.3 A Theoretical Framework for the Present ResearchChapter 4 Analysis of Business Contracts from a Funtional Grammar Perspective4.1 Overview4.2 Situational Context of Business Contracts4.3 Analysis of Business Contracts from Ideational Function4.3.1 Vocabulary4.3.2 Transitivity4.4 Analysis of Business Contracts from Interpersonal Function4.4.1 Vocabulary4.4.2 Mood and Modality4.5 Analysis of Business Contracts from Textual Function4.5.1 Thematic Structure4.5.2 CohesionChapter 5 Translation Principles and Strageties of Business Contracts5.1 Overview5.2 Translation Principles of Business Contracts5.2.1 Preciseness and All-inclusiveness of Information5.2.2 Formality and Authority of Tone5.2.3 Normativeness and Smoothness of Manner5.3 Translation Strategies of Business Contracts5.3.1 Attainment of Ideational Function5.3.2 Attainment of Interpersonal Function5.3.3 Attainment of Textual FunctionChapter 6 ConclusionREFERENCESACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
标签:商务合同翻译论文; 翻译原则论文; 翻译策略论文; 功能语法论文;