AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Nature and Definition of Gradability and Graduation1.2 Research Origin1.3 Research Questions1.4 Purpose of the Research1.5 Dissertation ArrangementChapter 2 Gradability and Categorization2.1 Categorization2.1.1 Basic Level Hypothesis2.1.2 Prototypical Categorization2.2 Categorization and Gradability2.2.1 Categorization and Priming2.2.2 Categorization and Attributes2.2.3 Membership and Degree2.3 SummaryChapter 3 Gradability and Metafunction3.1 Language and Metafunctions3.2 Networking of Metafunctions3.2.1 Ideational Function3.2.2 Interpersonal Function3.2.3 Textual Function3.3 Modality and Gradable Meaning3.4 SummaryChapter 4 Gradability and Evidentiality4.1 Evidentiality4.2 Classification of Evidentiality4.3 Evidentiality and Proposition4.4 Evidential and Gradability4.4.1 Degree of Reliability4.4.2 Belief4.4.3 Inference4.4.4 Sensory Evidence4.4.5 Expectation4.4.6 Hearsay Evidential 4.5 Evidentiality in Text4.6 SummaryChapter 5 Graduation in Appraisal System5.1 Appraisal System5.2 Attitudinal System5.2.1 Affect5.2.2 Judgment5.2.3 Appreciation5.2.4 Interrelations of Affect, Judgment and Appreciation5.3 Engagement5.3.1 The Dialogic Nature of Discourse5.3.2 Projection5.3.3 Modality5.3.4 Concession5.4 Graduation System5.4.1 Types of Graduation5.4.2 The Linguistic Devices for Graduation and Its Cognitive Basis5.5 Appraisal System and Interpersonal Function5.6 Evaluation and Cognition5.7 SummaryChapter 6 Gradability and Scalar Implicature6.1 Implicature6.1.1 Conventional Implicature and Conversational Implicature6.1.2 Meaning Classification6.1.3 Features of Conversational Implicature6.2 Scalar Implicature6.2.1 Narrowing6.2.2 Broadening6.2.3 Linguistic Accounts on Scalar Implicature6.3 Relevance6.3.1 Contextual Effect6.3.2 Processing Effort6.4 SummaryChapter 7 Gradability and Metaphor7.1 Nature of Metaphor7.2 Mechanism of Metaphor7.2.1 Conceptual Metaphor7.2.2 Conventional Metaphor7.2.3 Mapping7.3 Metaphor and Value7.4 Metaphor and Creativity of Language7.5 Gradability via Metaphor7.6 SummaryChapter 8 Initiators of Gradability8.1 Sense and Naming8.1.1 Communication8.1.2 Sense and Language8.1.3 Naming in Gradability8.2 Gradability and Subjectivity8.2.1 Subjectivity8.2.2 Subjectivisation8.2.3 Subjectivity and Language8.2.4 Subjectivity by Gradability8.3 Gradability and Economy8.3.1 Economy in English Language8.3.2 Origin of Economy8.3.3 Gradable Meaning and Economy of Language8.4 Gradability and Context8.4.1 Context8.4.2 Contextual Components8.4.3 Dynamic Context8.4.4 Degree of Communicative Meaning in Context8.5 Gradability and Grammaticalization8.5.1 Grammaticalization8.5.2 Process of Grammaticalization8.5.3 Grammaticalization of Even8.5.4 Grammaticalization of Stance Adverbs and Degree Modifiers8.6 SummaryChapter 9 Insights on Gradability9.1 Major Findings9.2 Implications and Applications9.3 Limitations and SuggestionsBibliography
标签:语义级差论文; 范畴化论文; 评价论文; 情态论文; 言据性论文; 梯级含义论文; 隐喻论文;