AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要CHAPTER ONE INTRODCTION1.1 Rationale1.2 Statement of problems1.3 Purpose of the study1.4 Significance of the study1.5 Overall structure of the thesisCHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Legal English2.1.1 Definition of legal English2.1.2 Relevant studies2.2 Pleonasm in legal English2.2.1 Definition of pleonasm2.2.2 Relevant studiesCHAPTER THREE CULTURAL TURN3.1 Culture and translation3.1.1 Definition of culture3.1.2 Definition of translation3.1.3 Relationship between language and culture3.1.4 Relationship between culture and translation3.2 Legal culture3.2.1 Definition of legal culture3.2.2 Culture discrepancies between Chinese and Anglo-American legal systems3.2.3 Relationship between legal culture and legal terminology3.3 Cultural turn3.3.1 Definition of cultural turn3.3.2 Application of cultural turn to translation3.3.3 Application of cultural turn to legal English translationCHAPTER FOUR PLEONASM4.1 Types of pleonasm4.1.1 Lexical pleonasm4.1.2 Syntactic pleonasm4.1.2.1 Using "of" to express possession4.1.2.2 Prepositional phrases4.1.2.3 Passive voice4.1.3 Textual pleonasm4.1.3.1 Elaborating on the obvious4.1.3.2 Over-specificity4.2 Cultural reasons for pleonasm4.2.1 Thinking mode factors4.2.1.1 Analytic thinking and holistic thinking4.2.1.2 Object consciousness and subject consciousness4.2.2 Historical factors4.2.3 Jurisprudential factors4.2.3.1 Influence of the case-law system4.2.3.2 Law of contract4.2.4 Political factors4.2.5 Sociological factors4.2.5.1 Familiarity and habit4.2.5.2 Fear of negligence claims4.2.5.3 Payment by length4.3 Functions of pleonasmCHAPTER FIVE CULTURAL APPROACHES TO TRANSLATION OF PLEONASM IN LEGAL ENGLISH5.1 Domestication and foreignization5.1.1 Definition of domestication and foreignization5.1.2 Relationship between domestication and foreignization5.1.3 Application of domestication and foreignization to legal translation5.1.4 Application of domestication to translation of pleonasm5.1.4.1 Lexical level5.1.4.2 Syntactic level5.1.4.3 Textual level5.1.5 Application of foreignization to translation of pleonasm5.2 Specific strategies for translation of pleonasm5.2.1 Translation of pleonastic doublets, triplets, and other word strings5.2.2 Translation of prepositions and prepositional phrases5.2.3 Translation of passive voice5.3 Requirements for translators in view of cultural translationCHAPTER SIX CONCLUSION6.1 Main findings6.2 Limitations6.3 Recommendations for further researchBibliography
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标签:冗言论文; 法律文化论文; 文化转向论文; 归化论文; 异化论文;