本文主要从“诗学”这一概念出发,探讨张爱玲将晚清吴语小说《海上花列传》翻译成国语的原因和策略,分析诗学如何影响这一翻译事件,从中反映出语内翻译的特点。作为中国文坛有名的作家,张爱玲兼有翻译作品,尤其是她对《海上花列传》的双重翻译(语际翻译和语内翻译)更是出名。论文把她对小说的语内翻译置于苏珊·巴塞纳特(Susan Bassnett)翻译研究四大范畴之“翻译与诗学”下进行研究,以安德鲁·列菲维尔(Andre Lefevere)的诗学理论为指导,剖析张爱玲执著翻译背后的诗学原因,以及受诗学支配和引导的翻译策略。一方面着重讨论小说由自身诗学所引致的不风行,和探究张爱玲本人的诗学观,以透视其翻译动机;另一方面以细节解析张所采用的具体翻译方法,以证明在此翻译过程中,译者对大众诗学和原文本诗学的关注起了重要的决定作用。最后以此个案研究为基础,比较语内翻译和语际翻译的相似之处,指出在一定程度上两者皆为一种跨语境交流。
Abstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Research Questions1.3 Research Methodology1.4 Possible Significance of the Study1.5 Structure of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Previous Studies in Intralingual Translation2.2 Previous Studies in the Notion of"Poetics"2.3 Previous Studies in "Poetics and Translation Studies"2.4 Previous Studies in Eileen Chang as a TranslatorChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Roman Jacobson's Three Categories of Translation3.2 Susan Bassnett's Four Categories of Translation Studies3.3 Lefevere's Theory of Poetics3.4 Appiah's "Thick Translation"Chapter 4 Case Study4.1 The Impact of Poetics on Chang's Choice to Translate the Book4.1.1 The Unpopularity of the Original Book----Poetics Conflicts4.1.1.1 Poetics Conflict by Dialect4.1.1.2 Poetics Conflict by Style4.1.2 Chang's Fanaticism for the Book4.1.2.1 Chang's Main Personal Poetics4.1.2.2 Similarities of the Poetics between Chang and the Book4.2 The Impact of Poetics on Chang's Rendition of the Book4.2.1 The Control of the Dominant Poetics4.2.1.1 Deletion and Combination4.2.1.2 Notes to Explain Words and Sentences4.2.2 The Control of the Source Poetics4.2.2.1 Possible Retention of the Original Tone4.2.2.2 Exposition of Some Plots4.3 Features of Intralingual Translation Compared with Interlingual Translation4.3.1 More than the Transformation of Words and Sentences4.3.2 More than Being Influenced by Intra-textual FactorsChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Summary of the Thesis5.2 Major Findings of the Thesis5.3 Significance of the Thesis5.4 Limitations of the Study5.5 Proposal for Further Research and StudyBibliographyAcknowledgements
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标签:语内翻译论文; 语际翻译论文; 诗学论文; 海上花列传论文; 张爱玲论文;
诗学视阈里的语内翻译 ——张爱玲国语注译《海上花列传》个案研究