List of Figures and TablesAcknowledgementsAbstract(English Version)Abstract(Chinese Version)Chapter One IntroductionChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Introduction2.2 Correlation and Regression2.2.1 Correlation2.2.2 Regression2.3 Item Bank Building2.3.1 Classical test theory2.3.2 Item response theoryChapter Three Processing and Statistical Analysis of the Data3.1 The Establishment of the Item Bank3.1.1 The definition of an item bank3.1.2 The fundamental requirements in building an item bank3.1.3 The establishment of an item bank for NMET3.2 The Obtainment of the Data3.3 The Establishment of the Simple Linear Regression Model3.3.1 An introduction to SPSS3.3.2 The process of establishing the simple linear regression model3.4 Making Predictions by Using the Established Regression ModelChapter Four ConclusionAppendix A:Table of the Subjects' Scores in the Four English TestsAppendix B:Table of the Predicted Score and Interval of the Subjects in NMETAppendix C:Table of t-value DistributionAppendix D:高考英语模拟试卷References
标签:高考英语论文; 试题库论文; 线性回归论文;