AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要ContentsChapter One Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 Research objectives1.3 Significance of the research1.4 Structure of the thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Definition of image2.2 Previous studies on image2.2.1 Statements about images made by western literary critics2.2.2 Statements about images made by Chinese literary critics2.3 Previous studies on image translation in poetry2.4 Limitations in the previous researchChapter Three Theoretical Framework3.1 An overview of cognitive linguistics3.2 Conceptual metaphor3.2.1 Cognitive definition of metaphor3.2.2 Conceptual nature of metaphor3.2.3 Classification of conceptual metaphor3.3 Conceptual metonymy3.3.1 Cognitive definition of metonymy3.3.2 Classification of conceptual metonymy3.4 Frame theory3.4.1 Definition3.4.2 Characteristics of cognitive frames3.4.3 Sub-frame and frame system3.4.4 Chunking on the basis of frame and sub-frame3.4.5 Frame borrowing3.5 SummaryChapter Four Interpretations of Poetic Images within the Framework of Cognitive Linguistics4.1 Interpretation based on frame borrowing4.1.1 Interpretation of metaphorical poetic images4.1.2 Interpretation of poetic images of part-part metonymy4.1.3 Interpretation of poetic images with unique implications4.2 Interpretation based on frame chunking4.2.1 Interpretation of poetic images of part-whole/whole-part metonymy4.2.2 Interpretation of poetic images with no equivalent frame in target culture4.2.3 Interpretation of poetic images with equivalent frame in target culture4.3 SummaryChapter Five Strategies for Translation of Images in Poetry Viewed from Cognitive Linguistics5.1 Nature of translation5.2 Strategies for translation of poetic images5.2.1 Equivalent reproduction of the metaphorical and metonymic mappings5.2.2 Activation of the metonymic source domain in the target language based on frame chunking sideways5.2.3 Reappearance of the target domain based on frame borrowing and frame chunking up5.2.4 Substitution of frame for subframe based on frame chunking up5.2.5 Augmentation of unique implications of images based on frame borrowing5.2.6 Activation of equivalent frame in the target culture based on frame chunking sideways5.3 SummaryChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Major findings6.2 Research implications6.3 Limitations and suggestions for future researchReferencesAcademic papers published during postgraduate study
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标签:诗歌论文; 意象论文; 认知语言学论文; 翻译策略论文;