

论文题目: 现代汉语被动式原则与参数模型

论文类型: 博士论文

论文专业: 英语语言文学

作者: 曹道根

导师: 褚孝泉

关键词: 原则与参数,现代汉语被动式,被动化,被字句,意念被动式,形式被动句,领属被动句,领有名词提升,接应代词,保留宾语

文献来源: 复旦大学

发表年度: 2005

论文摘要: 汉语被动句常分为两类:有标被动句和无标被动句。有标被动句中标记被动特征的词汇形式经历语法化,其语类特征发生变异,从词汇语类顺延某一特定的“斜坡”演变为某一特定的功能语类成员。汉语被动式标记不拘于“被”字。许多类似形式具有相同功能。但在本文中,我们用“被字句”指代所有的有标被动句。无标被动句是否为被动句存在争议。有人认为它们是受事主语句,但不是被动句;也有人在对受事主语句和受事主题句不加区分的情况下,将所有的以受事名词开头的句子均看作被动句。在本文中,我们认为受事主语句不同于受事主题句,受事主语句虽然无标但为被动句,而受事主题句虽然存在受事名词异位但不是被动句。本文将无标被动句的句法生成和被字句的句法生成统一考虑,为前所未有,尚未发现有文献对无标被动句的转换生成加以研究。 国内对被字句的研究多限于对这种句型的结构描写。如李临定(1980,1986)都是通过对大量例证的分类、归纳,对被字句的结构模式详加描写。而李珊(1994)和范晓(2000)则将被字句分为三段,并对每段的内部构成进行分解,这实际上也是一种结构描写。这些研究最多只能说是取得了描写充分性,它们并没有形成具有解释充分性的汉语被动化理论。 国外对汉语被字句的研究多数运用乔姆斯基的转换生成语法。研究者甚众,发表的文献数量庞大(可参见石定栩:1999),对处理汉语被字句中的保留宾语以及对“被”字的语类归属,各种意见云集,但都失之偏颇(参见本文第2章)。最简方案问世之后,国内近年也陆续有文章发表(吴庚堂1999,2000;熊仲儒2003;李红梅2004),根据最简方案的精神重新审视汉语被字句的生成。然而这些研究均存在重大缺陷(参见本文第2章)。总之,汉语被动式的生成研究虽已走过一段漫长的路程,然而与之相关的众多问题并未真正解决,汉语被动化依然是个未解之谜。与汉语被动化相关的问题大致有: 1.保留宾语现象。这一现象对由格所致的宾语提升被动化理论构成挑战。 2.汉语“被”字的语类特征及句法地位。对这一问题可能的回答似乎已经穷尽,但都存在着一定的问题。 3.领有名词提升现象。从句法-语义的角度和格理论来解释此现象均有不可克服的问题。 4.接应代词现象。如果将汉语被动句看作单句,该现象对约束理论构成挑战。



Abstract (English)

Abstract (Chinese)

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 About the Principles & Parameters Approach

1.2 The Unsolved Tension between Descriptive Adequacy and Explanatory Adequacy Observed in the Mandarin Passive Construction

1.3 Theoretical Objectives of the Dissertation

1.4 Format of the Dissertation

Chapter 2 Overview of Related Literature: Problems and Partial Conclusions Therein

2.0 Introduction

2.1 Chomsky's Standard Theory (ST) and the Chinese bei-constructions

2.1.1 English Passivization in the Light of ST

2.1.2 Chinese Passivization in the Light of ST

2.1.3 Problems and Some Preliminary Conclusions

2.2 Chomsky's GB Theory and the Chinese bei-Constructions Regarded as Passives

2.2.1 Maturation of the View on English Passivization: .By-Phrase as a VP-Adjunct

2.2.2 Establishing the Passive Status of the bei-less Patient Subject Sentence Distinguishing the bei-less Patient Subject Sentence from the Ergative Sentence Refuting D. Shi's (1997) View on the Non-Passive Status of the bei-less Patient Subject Sentence

2.2.3 A Preliminary Account on the Syntactic Status of bei

2.2.4 The Case-Absorption Theory of English and Chinese Passivization The Case-Absorption Theory of English Passivization Endeavors to Account for the Chinese Passivization within GB Problems with A. Li's Proposal

2.2.5 Summary

2.3 The GB Theory and the Chinese bei-Constructions Regarded as Non-Passives

2.4 The Minimalist Program and the Mandarin Passive Studies

2.4.1 A Brief Account of the Minimalist Program and English Passivization in Minimalist Terms

2.4.2 Characterizations of the Chinese Passivization in Minimalist Terms

2.5 Recapitulation of the Chapter

Chapter 3 Remodeling the Chinese Passivization along the Derivational Line

3.0 Introduction

3.1 Postulation ofVa in the Chinese Passivization

3.1.1 Objections to the Thesis of Argument Augmentation in Chinese Passives

3.1.2 Questioning the Thesis of Patient Subjectivization and/or Agent Adjunctivization

3.1.3 The Way Out

3.2 Conceptualization of Chinese Passives and Postulation of T_(def)P

3.2.1 Croft's Tripartite Event ICMs and'Derived Voice'

3.2.2 Cognitive Semantics of Chinese Passives

3.2.3 Summary

3.3 Postulation of BeiP in Replacement of vP in the Chinese Passivization

3.4 Rationale for Right-Adjunction of T_(def)P

3.5 Aspect-Marker and Interpretation of PRO in T_(def)P

3.6 Syntactic Status of the Particle Bei-bei Reconsidered

3.7 Issues Related to Affectee

3.8 Chinese Passives Containing a V-R Compound Construction

3.9 Summary

Chapter 4 Investigation of Some Remaining Issues Related to Chinese Passives within the New Model

4.0 Introduction

4.1 Chinese Formal Passives

4.1.1 Formal Passives and the Affectee Role Therein

4.1.2 Focus Structure in Formal Passives

4.1.3 The Affectee Role by Way of a Variable

4.1.4 Summary

4.2 Resumptive Pronouns with Relation to bei-Passives and Possessive Passives

4.2.1 Pronoun, Resumptive Pronoun (RP) and D-pronoun

4.2.2 RPs in the Chinese fez-Passives Use of RPs Connected with a Particular Subtype of Passives in Chinese Referential Property of RPs in Mandarin Long bei-Passives Variables by Way of RPs in Long fez-Passives Pro Elements by Way of RPs in Long fez-Passives RPs as Substitutes for Pro Elements in Conformity with BC B Sentence-Internal Co-reference of RPs Replacing Pro Elements in fez-Passives Possessive Passives and Fossessor Raising Phenomenon Reconsidered

4.2.3 Summary

4.3 Passivization of Chinese Pivotal Constructions

4.4 Summary

Chapter 5 Conclusion


发布时间: 2005-09-19


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