Acknowledgments摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background1.2 Objectives of the Study1.3 The Organizational Structure of the ThesisChapter 2 The Theoretical Preliminaries on Teachers' Roles2.1 The Concept of "Role"2.2 Some Ideas about "a Good Teacher"2.3 The Teachers' Roles in the Wider Environment2.4 The Teachers' Roles in the Classroom2.4.1 Requirements on Teacher2.4.2 Factors Affecting Teacher's Role PerformanceChapter 3 Teachers' Roles in Teacher-centered Teaching3.1 Introduction3.2 Teachers' Roles in Grammar-Translation Method3.3 Teachers' Roles in the Direct Method3.4 Teachers' Roles in the Audiolingual MethodChapter 4 Teachers' Roles in Learner-centered Teaching4.1 Teachers' Roles in Some Cognitive Methods4.1.1 Teachers' Roles in the Silent Way4.1.2 Teachers' Roles in Suggestopedia4.1.3 Teachers' Roles in Community Language Learning4.1.4 Teachers' Roles in the Total Physical Response Method4.2 Teachers' Roles in Communicative Language Teaching4.3 Comparison of the Teachers' Roles in Teacher-centered Teaching and Learner-centered TeachingChapter 5 Teachers' Roles in the "Post-method" Era5.1 English Language Teaching in the "Post-method" Era and the Concomitant Change of Teachers' Roles5.2 Technologies in the Classroom and Teachers' Roles5.3 The Adaptation of Teachers' Roles to the New Teaching CircumstancesChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Summary of Major Findings in this Thesis6.2 Limitations of this Thesis6.3 Suggestion for Further ResearchWorks Cited攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文和取得的科研成果
标签:语言教学方法论文; 教师角色论文; 历时分析论文; 辅助者论文; 支架式教学论文;