摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter 1 Literature Review1.1 A Review of Chinese Pivotal Sentences1.1.1 Definition of Chinese Pivotal Sentence1.1.2 Previous Studies of Chinese Pivotal Sentences1.1.2.1 Previous Studies from the Synthetic Perspective1.1.2.2 Previous Studies from the Diachronic Perspective1.2 A Review of English Complex Object Sentences1.2.1 Definition of English Complex Object Sentence1.2.2 Previous Studies of English Complex Object Sentences1.3 Present Contrastive Studies of the Two Sentence Types1.4 SummaryChapter 2 Theoretical Bases2.1 Cognitive Views and Image Schema2.2 Grammaticalization Theory2.2.1 Principles of Grammaticalization2.2.2 Hypothesis of Unidirectionality2.2.3 Mechanisms: Reanalysis and Analogy2.2.3.1 Reanalysis2.2.3.2 Analogy/Rule GeneralizationChapter3 Synthetic Contrast between the Two Structures3.1 Contrast of the Entire Structure3.1.1 Contrast of the Form and Logical Relations3.1.1.1 Similarities in Form3.1.1.2 Similarities in Semantic and Logical Relations3.1.2 Contrast of Subject-predicate Relations3.1.3 Contrast of the Mark of Tense and Aspect3.2 Contrast of the Components in the Two Structures3.2.1 Contrast of Matrix Verbs in the Two Structures3.2.1.1 Similar Semantic Types of Matrix Verbs3.2.1.2 Different Semantic Types of Matrix Verbs3.2.1.3 Cognitive Foundations of the Two Structures3.2.2 Contrast of Subject in the Two Structures3.2.3 Contrast of Object in the Two Structures3.2.3.1 Similarities of Object in the Two Structures3.2.3.2 Differences of Object in the Two Structures3.2.4 Contrast of Object(jianyu) Predicate and Complement3.2.4.1 Similarities between Object(jianyu) Predicate and Complement3.2.4.2 Differences between Object(jianyu) Predicate and ComplementChapter4 Diachronic Contrast between the Two Structures4.1 Diachronic Development of Complex object Structure4.1.1 Original Form in Old English4.1.1.1 Semantic Types of Matrix Verbs4.1.1.2 Traits of Object in Complex Object Structure4.1.1.3 Types of Complement in Complex Object Structure4.1.2 Formation of SVOC Structure in Middle English1O2 to SVOC Structure'> Reanalysis from SVO1O2 to SVOC Structure4.1.2.2 Changes of Matrix Verbs and the Reasons4.1.2.3 Types of Complement in SVOC Structure4.1.3 Development of SVOC Structure in Modern English4.1.3.1 Increasing Use of Some Matrix Verb Types4.1.3.2 Increasing Use of Passives4.1.3.3 Increasing Use of Present Participles4.2 Diachronic Development of Chinese Pivotal Structure4.2.1 General Accounts of the Diachronic Development4.2.2 Research on Chinese Pivotal Structure in Zhanguoce4.2.2.1 Semantic Types of Matrix Verbs in the Structure4.2.2.2 Forms of Object in the Structure4.2.2.3 Forms of Object(jianyu) Predicate in the Structure4.2.3 Grammaticalization of ‘使’-type in Pivotal Structure4.2.3.1 Grammaticalization of ‘使’ Grammaticalization of Several Similar Verbs4.3 Diachronic Contrast between the Two Structures4.3.1 A Proof of Similar Cognitive Base4.3.2 Reasons for the Difference of Subject-predicate Relations4.3.3 Grammaticalization of Make-type Verbs4.3.4 Reasons for the Differences of Some Semantic Types4.3.5 Reasons for the Differences between Object Predicate and Complement4.3.6 Similarities between Modern English and Ancient ChineseConclusionBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements
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