AcknowledgementsAbstract中文摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Motivation and Theoretical Foundation1.2 Research Questions1.3 Structure of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Common Knowledge about News2.1.1 Definition of News2.1.2 News Determinants2.1.3 Classification of News2.1.4 The Stylistic Features of News2.2 An Overview of Studies on Fuzziness and Fuzzy Language2.2.1 Fuzziness vs Vagueness2.2.2 Fuzzy Studies Home and AbroadChapter Three Pragmatic Analysis of Fuzzy Language in News3.1 Cooperative Principle and Fuzzy language in news3.1.1 Gricean’s Cooperative Principle3.1.2 Applying CP to Fuzzy Language in News3.2 Relevance Theory and Fuzzy Language in News3.2.1 Relevance Theory3.2.2 Applying RT to Fuzzy Language in News3.3 Politeness Principle (mainly FTA) and Fuzzy Language in News3.3.1 Politeness Principle (mainly FTA)3.3.2 Applying PT (mainly FTA) to Fuzzy Language in News3.4 Pragmatic Categorization of Fuzzy Language3.4.1 Continuum Words3.4.2 Abstract Words3.4.3 Words without Referents3.4.4 Subordinate Clause3.4.5 Hedges3.4.6 Some Set Patterns or expressions3.5 Positive Functions of Fuzzy Language in News3.5.1 Conforming to the Peculiarities3.5.2 Increasing the Credibility3.5.3 Contributing Vividness and Liveliness3.5.4 Enhancing Self-protection and Avoiding Absoluteness or Arbitrariness3.5.5 Catering to Readers’Cognitive Habits3.5.6 Avoiding Negative Effect3.5.7 Achieving PolitenessChapter Four Translation Principles and Tactics for Fuzzy Language in News4.1 An Overview of Relative Studies on News Translation4.2 Newmark’s Communicative Method and News Translation4.3 Principles for News Translation4.4 The Unity of Functional Equivalence Theory and Relevance Translation Theory4.4.1 Functional Equivalence Theory4.4.2 Relevance Translation Theory4.4.3 The Comparison of FET and RTT4.4.4 The Necessity of Uniting the Two Translation Theories4.4.5 The Theoretical Foundation of the Unity4.4.6 Optimal Relevance-Optimal Equivalence Approach4.5 Tactics for Translating Fuzzy Language in English News4.5.1 Fuzzy Expression vs. Fuzzy Expression4.5.2 Synonym (Substitution)4.5.3 Accurate Expression vs. Fuzzy Expression4.5.4 Deletion4.5.5 Addition4.5.6 Conversion of Word Class4.5.7 Turning Comparative Degree of Adjective into its Positive or Absolute Degree4.5.8 Condensing Fuzzy Ideas into Four- character Chinese Phrases4.5.9 Turning Affirmative Fuzzy Expression into Negative One or Vice Versa4.5.10 Turning Fuzzy Expression into Sentence4.5.11 Standing out Rhetoric Features4.5.12 DisplacementChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Summary of the Present Study5.2 Limitations of the thesis and Suggestions for Future ResearchBibliography
标签:新闻英语论文; 模糊语言论文; 新闻翻译论文; 语用分析论文; 传播效果论文; 最佳关联最佳对等论文;