Abstract摘要IntroductionChapter One Review of Relevant Literature1.1 Introduction1.2 Definition of Courtroom Cross-examination1.3 Contextual Features of Courtroom Cross-examination1.3.1 Roles of Participants in Courtroom Cross-examination1.3.2 The Interpersonal Relation Between Participants1.3.3 The Psychology of Participants in Courtroom Cross-examination1.4 Purpose of Courtroom Cross-examination1.5 Related Research on Courtroom Cross-examination1.6 Critique of the Previous Researches on Courtroom Cross-examination1.7 Overview of the Presupposition Theory1.7.1 Overview of the Theoretical Study1.7.2 Overview of the Practical Study1.8 Critique on the Presupposition Theory1.9 SummaryChapter Two Theoretical Framework2.1 Introduction2.2 Introduction to the Presupposition Theory2.2.1 The Concept of Presupposition2.2.2 Two Approaches to Presupposition2.2.2.1 Semantic presupposition2.2.2.2 Pragmatic presupposition2.2.3 Relation Between Semantic Presupposition and Pragmatic Presupposition2.2.4 Properties or Characteristics of Presupposition2.3 Presupposition and Information Focus2.3.1 The Position of Information Focus2.3.2 Information Focus and Presupposition2.4 Presupposition in This ThesisChapter Three The Strategic Employment of Presupposition in Courtroom Cross-examination3.1 Introduction to Presupposition Triggers3.2 The Pragmatic Analysis of Presupposition Triggers in the Courtroom Cross-examination3.2.1 Definite Descriptions in Courtroom Cross-examination3.2.2 Factive Verbs in Courtroom Cross-examination3.2.3 Implicative Verbs in Courtroom Cross-examination3.2.4 Change of State Verbs in Courtroom Cross-examination3.2.5 Iteratives in Courtroom Cross-examination3.2.6 Attributive Clauses in Courtroom Cross-examination3.2.7 Adverbial Clauses of Time in Courtroom Cross-examination3.2.8 Adverbial Clauses of Counterfactual Conditionals in Courtroom Cross-examination3.2.9 Cleft and Pseudo-cleft Sentences in Courtroom Cross-examination3.2.10 Comparative Sentences in Courtroom Cross-examination3.2.11 Question Types in Courtroom Cross-examination3.3 The Analysis of Sham Pragmatic Presupposition in Courtroom Cross-examination3.3.1 Definition of Sham Pragmatic Presupposition3.3.2 Two Forms of Sham Pragmatic Presupposition3.3.2.1 Unintentional sham pragmatic presupposition3.3.2.2 Intentional sham pragmatic presupposition3.3.3 Two Ways for the Counsel to Use Sham Pragmatic Presupposition in Courtroom Cross-examination3.3.3.1 The counsel makes use of sham pragmatic presupposition to test the truth of hypothesis3.3.3.2 The counsel can use the witness’s sham pragmatic presupposition as the weapon to make him/her unable to change and quibble.Chapter Four The Pragmatic Analysis of Presupposition in the Courtroom Cross-examination of a Case4.1 Introduction4.2 The Case Analysis4.3 Ways to Distinguish and Break the Presuppositions4.4 Evaluation About the Presupposition Strategy in Courtroom Cross-examinationConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgementResume
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标签:法庭交叉询问论文; 预设论文; 前提触发语论文; 虚假语用预设论文;