关于写作测试的研究大多集中在确定写作能力的构成和评分信度的控制两个方面,而对于写作题命题的研究,尤其是写作题难度的研究却仍然相对较少。实际上,写作题的难度对写作测试的质量有很大影响。Bachman指出,只有难度合适时,测试分数所能提供的信息才能达到最大,而难度太低或者太高都会影响分数的意义。从心理语言学的角度看,难度太低可能会降低应试者的兴趣而不能写出最能体现其水平的文章,也可能会因为考生都写得很好而降低测试的区分度。而如果题目太难,考生也可能会因此失去兴趣,而且由于大部分考生都写不好,也不能得到最能体现考生水平的作文,所以只有当作文题难度适中时,该测试才可能达到最高水平。本论文的主要目的是研究影响以英语为外语的写作考试中,写作题的难度主要受哪些因素影响,并在此基础上探讨控制写作题难度的方法。由于影响写作能力的因素众多且考生个人因素千变万化,要想穷尽所有因素是不可能的,所有本论文在文献研究的基础上提出了几个主要考虑因素。这些因素包括考生的语言能力、话题知识、篇章知识、试题的指示语、考试时间等。就研究方法来说,本论文采用了文献研究和实证研究相结合的方式,在每一章中首先回顾相关的主要研究成就及理论上的难度模型,然后通过若干实证研究探讨这些理论模型是否符合中国学生的实际情况。作者认为,只有通过实证的检验,才能够确定中国学生写作时体验到的真正的难度而非理论难度,这样的结论对命题者会更有意义。为了加强本研究的实际意义,本论文在实证研究的基础上设计了一套确定写作题难度的简单模型。这一模型认为,一道写作题的难度WTD (Writing Task
内容摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter One Writing and Testing Writing1.1 Nature of Writing1.2 The Writing ability1.2.1 The cognitive model1.2.2 The inclusive model1.2.3 The context-specific model1.3 Approaches to writing tests1.3.1 Indirect test of writing1.3.2 Direct test of writing1.4 The writing task difficulty1.4.1 Facts and problems1.4.2 Importance of controlling task difficultyChapter Two Task and Task Difficulty2.1 Tasks in language teaching2.1.1 Definition of language learning task2.1.2 Factors influencing language learning task difficulty2.2 Tasks in language testing2.2.1 Definition of testing task2.2.2 Considerations in task design2.3 Writing tasks2.3.1 Factors influencing writing test result2.3.2 Writing task dimensions2.4 Writing task difficulty dimensions2.4.1 Grouping of writing task dimensions2.4.2 A more comprehensive modelChapter Three Language Proficiency and Writing Task Difficulty3.1 Language proficiency and writing ability3.1.1 Language proficiency3.1.2 Writing ability as part of language proficiency3.1.3 Development of writing ability and language proficiency3.2 Development of language proficiency and English writing ability among Chinese students3.2.1 Language proficiency development of Chinese students3.2.2 Development of English writing ability among Chinese students3.3 Empirical studies3.3.1 Study One: The TEM4 survey3.3.2 Study Two: The entrance examination survey3.4 Framework to evaluate linguistic difficulty3.4.1 A language-oriented framework for writing task design3.4.2 Framework to evaluate linguistic difficulty of writing tasksChapter Four Topical Knowledge and Writing Task Difficulty4.1 Topical knowledge and language testing4.2 Topical knowledge and writing performance4.3 Research on writing topic4.3.1 Topic selection practice in writing task design4.3.2 Suggestions on selecting topics for writing assessment4.3.3 Efforts made by some international tests to ensure topic quality4.3.4 Research in China4.4 Empirical studies4.4.1 Study One4.4.2 Study Two4.4.3 Study Three4.5 A proposed model for Topical Knowledge Difficulty evaluation4.6 ConclusionChapter Five Discourse Mode and Writing Task Difficulty5.1 Defining discourse mode5.1.1 Genre5.1.2 Other important concepts5.2 Classifying English writing according to discourse mode5.2.1 General classification by discourse mode5.2.2 Fine distinction by patterns of exposition5.2.3 Chinese study of discourse mode5.3 Importance of discourse modes for language testing5.3.1 Discourse modes and test authenticity5.3.2 Discourse modes and actual writing performance5.4 Empirical studies5.4.1 Study One5.4.2 Study Two5.4.3 Study Three5.4.4 An exposition-argumentation discourse difficulty model5.5 Conclusion: A model of discourse-mode difficultyChapter Six Prompt, Time Limit and Writing Task Difficulty6.1 Rhetorical condition6.1.1 Definition of rhetorical condition6.1.2 Significance of rhetorical condition for writing6.1.3 Rhetorical specification in testing of writing6.1.4 Empirical studies6.1.5 Model to evaluate rhetorical condition difficulty6.2 Stimulus material6.2.1 Types of stimulus material usually used in writing tests6.2.2 Significance of stimulus material for writing tests6.2.3 Empirical studies6.3 Prompt wording6.3.1 Significance of prompt wording6.3.2 Suggestions on prompt wording6.3.3 Empirical studies6.3.4 Model to evaluate prompt difficulty6.4 Time allowed6.4.1 Impact of time allowed on test performance6.4.2 Empirical studies6.4.3 Model to evaluate time difficulty6.5 ConclusionChapter Seven Conclusion7.1 The general writing task difficulty (WTD) framework7.2 Suggestions for using the framework7.2.1 Studying test purpose7.2.2 Studying students7.3 Suggestions for future research7.3.1 Expanding scope of discourse mode7.3.2 Including more aspects of test situation7.3.3 Conducting more validation studiesBibliographyAppendix
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标签:英语写作论文; 写作测试论文; 题目难度论文; 语言测试论文;