摘要AbstractAbbreviationsList of TablesChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the Research1.2 The Significance of the Research1.3 Aims of the Present Research1.4 Organization of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Definition of Language2.2 Definition of Culture2.3 Classification of Culture2.4 The Relationship between Language and Culture2.5 Studies of Culture Teaching2.5.1 Studies of Culture Teaching Abroad2.5.2 Studies of Culture Teaching at Home2.6 The Significance of Culture Teaching2.6.1 Culture Teaching Stressed in Curriculum of Different Countries2.6.2 Characteristics of Instrument and HumanismChapter 3 A Survey on Current Situations in Three Middle schools3.1 Design of the Survey3.1.1 Objective of the Survey3.1.2 Subjects and Research Instrument3.1.3 Procedures of the Investigation3.2 Results of Students' Questionnaire and English Teachers' Questionnaire3.2.1 Results of Students' Questionnaire3.2.2 Results of the English Teachers' Questionnaire3.3 Data Analysis of the Students' Questionnaire3.3.1 Data Clarifying3.3.2 Motivation towards Learning English3.3.3 Interest in English Learning3.3.4 Ways of Memorization and Difficulties They Met3.3.5 Understanding,Ways,and Kinds of Culture3.3.6 The Importante of Culture Learning in Students' Opinions3.3.7 Students' Willingness,Opinions,Practices on Culture Learning in English Class3.3.8 The Satisfaction of the Students towards Culture Teaching3.3.9 The Learning Needs of the Students in English3.4 Summary of the Results3.5 Results and Analysis of the Teachers' Questionnaire3.5.1 Data Clarifying3.5.2 Teachers' Opinions about English Teaching3.5.3 Teachers' Understanding on Culture3.5.4 Teachers' Understanding of Culture Awareness in NECS3.5.5 Teachers' Culture Learning Situations3.5.6 Teachers' Satisfaction with the Culture Contents of the Textbooks3.5.7 The Situation of Culture Teaching according to the Teachers' Point of View3.5.8 Teachers' Opinions on the Influences of Culture Teaching in Students3.5.9 The Situations of Teachers'Practice of Culture Teaching in Class3.5.10 Teachers' Practical Performance in Class3.5.11 Teachers' Difficulties in Culture Teaching3.6 Findings and Implications upon the Current Situations3.6.1 Findings and Implications of the Students' Questionnaire3.6.2 Findings and Implications of the Teachers' Questionnaire3.7 Conclusion of the SurveyChapter 4 Suggestions on Current Situations of Culture Teaching4.1 Contents of Culture Teaching4.2 Principles of Culture Teaching in Senior Middle School English Class4.2.1 Principle of Practicality4.2.2 Principle of Interest4.2.3 P rinciple of Suitability4.2.4 Principle of Progressiveness4.3 Strategies in Integration of Culture Teaching with Language Teaching in English Class4.3.1 Integration of Culture Teaching and Vocabulary Teaching4.3.2 Integration of Culture Teaching with Listening and Speaking4.3.3 Integration of Culture Teaching and Grammar Teaching4.3.4 Integration of Culture Teaching with Writing4.3.5 Integration of Reading and Culture Teaching4.4 Suggestions to the Students4.4.1 Extending Extracurricular Reading4.4.2 Watching Films or TV and Listening to the Radio4.4.3 Establishing Culture Island4.4.4 Internet-SurfingChanter 5 Conclusion5.1 Findings5.2 Limitations5.3 Prospects for Further Study5.4 ConclusionBibliographyAppendicesAppendix AAppendix BPublications during the Postgraduate ProgramAcknowledgements
标签:文化教学论文; 文化意识论文; 普通高中英语课程标准论文; 跨文化交际能力论文;
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